Let me Prove My Worth Pt.1

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Standing there you were looking around confused to see the crowed have disappeared into thin air, you were left there now alone with Miss Nakiri. It was a brisk early morning but you felt a sudden awareness of your situation.

"So Miss Nakiri, what are you doing so early in the morning?"

"I was just on my way to school, it's somewhere in the district. I happened to get lost on the way until that sudden flash mod came out of nowhere and trampled me over."

"Lost? are you new to this area?"

"No no, I get dropped off usually but today I wanted to... adventure a bit, you knew" Nakiri coughs while gazing around her surroundings."

"I see..."

"What about you?" eyes gleaming towards you with curiosity.

"Ahhhh, I was on my way to school as well. I quite enjoy walking around this area in early morning, there's no drama and that's what makes it so enjoyable."

"Well, I must apologise for disturbing your morning peace."

"No worries, you did awfully look like you were in distress. There's no point in not helping out."

"Thank you"

Time seemingly waltz's by and soon you come across a small restaurant. A man could be seen frazzled and panicked, upon further inspection he was wearing an apron while firmly grasping, crinkling his chef's hat between both his hands. The man stood up and started pacing back and forth, suddenly he stood still looking around whilst tapping his foot against the dampen concrete ally. 

Your eyes met briefly but soon drifted apart. You couldn't help but feel curious of his predicament, you thought to yourself that it was still early for you to be at school and that there wouldn't be any problem you couldn't fix in a kitchen. So you inhaled a breath of clear cold air and shifted directions towards the barely opened shop. 

Miss Nakiri noticed you shifted your trajectory and decided to follow, seemingly as you'd be the best way to getting to school without any more mishaps. 

"Hey! Mister you doing alright there?"

"Does it looking like I'm doing alright!? Kid scram, I ain't got time."

"Ain't got time? For what?"

"Dealing with a punk ass like you, so get going! Or else!"

"Alright, alright. Calm down, I came by just to see what the problem was to try and help you out."

"You? Help me out? Ridiculous, how could a shabby looking kid like you be able to help anyone?"

"Well, I might not be able to fix all problems but I am confident in my abilities to move around in and around a kitchen."

"Oh, really?" The old man replied while an eyebrow shifts up

"Yeah, really." 

The man looks down swaying his head side to side, pinching the middle of his brow before sighing loudly dispersing hot air through still cold air.

"Kid, listen, I like your guts but you better be able to put money where your mouth is or you'll be slugged and left rotting in a pile of garbage."

"Sir, I'm prepared to put my pride and life on the line."

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