Let Me Prove my Worth Pt.2

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A gush of air frosted through the ally where you and the chef stood. He kept eyeing you, looking up and down. It felt uncomfortable but you swallowed down and stood firm, glaring back with determination.

"Kid, you better be able to make wine from water or you'll regret this."

"Sir, be well aware I'm confident in my own abilities."

After a brief silence the chef walked through the closed doors behind him, he opened it wide and wedged a peg underneath it. He let out one final sigh and waved at you to come in.

"Miss Nakiri, you don't have to follow me. I'd rather not have to drag you into this mess."

"There's no need for you to worry, school doesn't start in a couple of hours and I'm finding this, amusing" as she covered her face and laughed softly.

"If you say so... hey chef! is it alright for Miss Nakiri to come along and watch?"

"I don't care, I'd actually prefer it. she'll save me the trouble later of carrying your sorry ass out of my shop."

You start feeling annoyed at his continues bombardment of underhanded comments but remained calm knowing you'll be the one to put him in his place.

Nakiri and you headed towards the door. Entering it you felt warmth and a familiar feeling. The kitchen was spotless, tidy and well organised, never would you have imagined such professionalism from a rude local chef. 

Here you are now in another man's kitchen, a man who was discourteous and obnoxious, yet you felt admiration for his conduct alone. You notice that he's already stared on morning preparation for business hours, vegetables, fruits, stocks and raw meat have been sliced, separated, warped and organised for dishes to be cooked. You wondered what had the man so flustered earlier on.

The chef yanked a foldable chair and sat down on it. The ground trembled as soon as he touched the chair, the air around fell silent and he looked at you again, this time more sinisterly.

"Okay, here's the issue. My superb assistance isn't here, apparently he caught a cold and couldn't come in today. I'm expecting a large group of important people to come in soon and I have 10 different dishes to prepare. I only have so many hands so I'm caught in a bind. I needed someone to help me but by some sick twisted fate that someone had to be this twig looking ass in front of me."

He looked at you once more with glare as sharp as a knife, though this time you understood why he keeps staring at you. It's almost if he was allowing you an option to admit defeat and run away. 

Though you held your ground, you stared back at him and smirked.

"Good." He stood up and folded the chair again, he turned and grabbed a clean set of cooking apparel. "here, wear this. Give it back to me once's we're finished." 

He headed straight to the a kitchen bench and rapidly prepared the rest of the ingredient. It didn't take long till you found out all the 10 dishes he wanted to prepare which was conveniently noted on paper placed on an empty bench. 

All the dishes were complicated and complex with a multitude of different steps layered on top of each other, this was all to create a single dish for a full course meal at the size of a buffet. You study for a moment each of the dishes and surveyed the room, the place was small and cramped but felt spacious as the same time. Every tool and ingredient were within reach, all that's left to do was start.

The chef glanced at you and you took a final deep breath as head straight to work.

Nakiri found a place to sit with a full view of the kitchen, she feel silent and observant, curious of why you were so confident.

Silently and under her breath she said, "show me just how capable you are (Y/n). I hope you're just as thorough as the reports says."

- 3 hours left before service - 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2021 ⏰

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