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1936 Chicago
I walked down the prison steps and looked around me, taking in the scenery. Not much has changed since '34, but then again a lot has changed. I spotted a black car parked in front of the prison just a few feet away. A man was leaning against it watching me. This must be the man they sent to take me home..where ever that is.
That's when I noticed a swarm off reporters approaching me.
"Ms. Bellini! Ms. Bellini! Can you answer a few questions?!"
"What is it like coming out of prison and knowing John is d-". Before the reporter could finish the man that was by the car pushed his way through the crowd and grabbed me wrist and pulled me to the car.
As I approached the car he opened the back seat door for me not saying a word. I looked at him for a moment thinking if I should trust this man or not. My whole sense of well..everything was thrown off. I had just spent the last two years in prison. They were the most painful, and heart breaking years of my life, and not because I was locked in some hell hole. I took a chance and slid into the back seat and he closed the door. He walked around the car and got into the drivers seat.
"Where to Ms. Bellini?", he questioned looking at me through the mirror.
To be honest I had no clue. I didn't have a home to go to. My apartment was probably trashed or given to someone with a family. And I had no family. I don't know if Chicago is the same or if things have completely changed. Im 25 now, is there still jobs out there? Are we still in the depression??
I would be lucky if I could get some money from
I looked up at him and it seemed he had read my thoughts and he gave me a slight smile and started driving.
"I'll take you to Skinner street, they opened some new apartment buildings, don't worry about money I can help you"
"T-thank you sir" I said and looked out the window.
He turned up the radio and started humming to the song as he drove. My heart dropped to the bottom of my stomach when I realized what song was playing. It was the song. The song that I would sing in my head every night for the past two years before I fell asleep. The song that would haunt my nightmares, and bring life to my most wonderful dreams. It was our song, the song that reminded me of his eyes. How beautiful they were. It was the song of our first spark and our last goodbye.
"You brought a new kind of love to me", the man sang. My eyes must have been watering because when he looked at me he lowered the music.
"I know I'm not the best singer. Sorry honey, you see it's just this song makes me think of my girl Mary and I can't help but sing you know?"
I nodded slightly and wiped my eyes still looking out the window.

Hey deppheads! This is the start of a new story and I hope you guys like it, I have a lot of good ideas for it. If you liked it make sure to vote or leave a comment :)

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