Chapter 1

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I walk out of the door from the huge bulding where i work.Its lunchtime so i have about 30 minutes to go to "Le petit" ( local restaurant)  and eat my favourite dish.As i am walking i hear a big sound from behind me but i dont give it any attention .Choosing to turn left suddenly a white car pulls right infront of me ,and i know it isnt just any car its Ryosuke's car. He lowered his window ,while i was shocked but when i saw his face my heart couldn't stop beating hard against my chest."We meet again y/n i dont think it a coincident, is it?"he said while his lips formed a smirk.l coundnt stop looking at him, his beauty had already taken my control away.l tried to talk,only to make a fool of myself, making me blush which Ryosuke saw and laughed softly."I-I how come you are around here.I mean you can come whenever you i wont stop you."But when i realised what i had said i started laughing."Well.."he smiled at me ."I wondered if you had anything planned for tonight.?"My palms started sweating. "Its ok if you cant come .I mean i would really like to know you better "he winked at you."I dont know yet but i can call you so we can meet somewhere."" So basically you're asking for my number,arent you?"Ryosuke said looking  straight in my eyes ,smirking while pushing the petal of the car making its engine roar!"No I-I "i said making myself blush even more, I wonder if i look like a tomato at this point."Its alright,it wasnt my intetion to make you feel bad, here this is my card with my number on it, call me whenever you want."he said as he handed me his card." Thank you "i said smiling at myself."I will be waiting your call impatiently "he replied. I looked at him once more and couldn't help but notise how handsome he is, and the rays of the sun helping him look even more magical."I will call you as soon as i can"was all i said but i notised my voise sounding a lot more excited. "Hmm.. i will be waiting "he said, pushed th petal of the car and faded away from my view.
Why was i blushing and trmbing.God i was like a give year old .I think to myself.

Love is a difficult game , isnt it?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora