How You Meet

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Gibbs- You were apart of the NCIS team in New Orleans. There was a dead body found and you decided to call in help from the Virginia field office. You called there director and said that he could have a team out there or you could come to them. You told him that you could be there by the end of the day. So you left your team and went to Virginia. When you got there you meet the whole team after talking with director Vance. You though that Gibbs was almost happy to see you at first but that seemed to change.

McGee- You lived with your brother and he had to go somewhere for a week. Of course you couldn't know where because he was a marine that did classified missions. You were just a dancer for a professional team. He had told you that he was only going to be gone for a week but you didn't worry to much because a lot of times he had to stay longer than he originally thought. It had been two weeks since he had left. You went to your dance studio as usual. About half way through the routine a NCIS agent walks in. He said his name was Timothy McGee. When he had told you that they found your brother dead you lost it and he was the one to comfort you. 

DiNozzo- You had a rough break up with your now ex-boyfriend. You did what you usually did you went to your favorite bar. You were about to pay when a guy payed for you. He said that his name was Tony. The night went from there. You both had a few drinks and by the time you left you had exchanged phone numbers.

Reeves- You and him meet when you both signed up for operation Willoughby. You both did everything together to complete the operation. After that you guys were best friends. (Reeves never dies in this book) 

Jimmy- After Jimmy became head M.E he was getting really stressed and he got Director Vance's approval for an assistant M.E. He had many interviews and you were the last one that he had to interview. He thought you were great at the job and that you were an amazing person. By the end of the day you had gotten the job.

Torres- You had gotten to the bullpen when you saw a new guy setting up his desk. He was talking to McGee and when you walked to your desk he immediately looked at you. He introduced himself as Nick Torres. You've been friends since. 

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