First Kiss

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Gibbs- Usually you couldn't see Leroy as much as you wanted to but recently your team got transferred to Quantico Virginia Naval base. You were excited that you got to work in the same building as Leroy. He was out on a case when you got there but your team was fully set up and ready to go. When Gibbs saw you there he asked you to meet him after work at his house. When you got the chance to leave the building you took it so you could see your boyfriend. When you got there he was in the basement like always. You guys got to talking about how you got to transfer to Quantico. Then you started rambling about how you were excited. Of course Leroy was listening but he was also wondering what you would do if you kissed. After a few more minutes he decided to just go for it. You were confused at first but kissed back.

McGee- He was so sweet. You had noticed that he had been staring at you a lot when you were together. So you asked him if he was ok. Then he asked if he could do something. You said yes with a bit of uncertainty laced in your voice. That's when he kissed you. You immediately kissed back.

DiNozzo- You were cuddling with him on his couch. You were watching  a movie like always. A kissing scene came on. Tony took the chance to kiss you at the same time. You blushed the whole rest of the movie.

Reeves- It was after a really hard case. You were really upset even though the case ended with the team catching the killer. Clayton was spending the night at your house and you were very close to tears. Along with the sadness of the case your mother called you saying how she was disappointed that you wasted your education with your job. When your mom hung up you let the tears go. Clayton came to get you and his heart broke at the sight of you crying. You told him everything and after you were done he picked you up to go watch a movie. Before he hit play on the movie he kissed you to try to help you feel better. You did start to feel better also with the fact the he whispered sweet nothings in your ear the whole time.

Jimmy- Jimmy took you shopping for a date. You were in your favorite store when Jimmy walked back to you with outfits he wanted you to try on. After like 6 hours at the mall you got back to the car. Jimmy suddenly got a boost of confidence and he kissed you. Then he got really nervous and started rambling about how he was sorry for not asking you first. To shut him up you kissed him again.   

Torres- You had to go undercover as a couple again. Of course you and Nick didn't care. Nick had told you that he was going to do something and it wasn't apart of the undercover work. You nodded and he immediately kissed you. When you kissed back it turned into a full make out session. Unfortunately you had to get back to your real job.  

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