•Lost and Found (Longer Blurb)

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Death is rarely kind. But resurrection is not usually much better.

Henrik Mikaelson never thought much about either.

But when his body was lost to the foul and evil Gods who threatened to destroy their family,
Henrik found out just how painful it is to be born again.

Esther and Mikael broke their family trying to save their children from their own mistakes....

The Mikaelsons were saved from death....even if they could not be saved from misery.

In exchange for the spell to turn the Mikaelsons into Vampires and save little Henrik, all the Devils asked for was the soul of their favorite Destroyer....

Although, the Devils did add a few extra details—as they usually do. One of which implied Henrik would forget all about his siblings and none of his family would ever recognize him....

Unless...the Devils got their dearest son back, the one Esther and Ansel stole from them. Their beautiful Hell Prince....Their Destroyer....

But Hunter would never give up on his family, and especially not on his father....

The story of how Henrik Mikaelson
became Hunter H. Mikaelson.

The Destroyer's Favorite Child.

The Boy Who Could Save the Mikaelsons From Themselves...

[Coming soon]

Little Wolf Prince | Henrik Mikaelson (Book 3)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora