Troublemaking and Close Calls

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I've been having a good week lately. Vivia was being suspiciously nice to us, Theo was a great partner during the film once I finally got my head into it, the film turned out awesome and will be posted on the website by tomorrow, and the faster Sunday morning seemed to come. It was currently Saturday night and I was treating myself to cheesy chick flicks and hot tea under a cozy blanket.

I was watching an old one; Love Actually. Completely cliche, I know, but it always gets me in the mood for Christmas that was approaching. Outside, a light snow fell against my frosted windows in the street lights of London but I was nice and toasty; couped up in a bunch of duvets on my sitting room couch.

I sipped my tea once more as the end of the movie neared. I may or may not have shed a few tears; I am such a sensitive person. I could see a dead animal on the side of the road and fall to my knees in sobs. Embarrassing, I know.

Anyway, the movie finally ended and yet again I was left with the feeling of emptiness that only a relationship could fill, if you know what I mean.

Sighing, I stared at the credits rolling on the screen, too lazy to get up and slip in a new disc. So far I have only watched The Notebook, The Last Song, and Love Actually. The clock was just hitting a bit past midnight and my eyes drooped against my will.

Maybe I'll just sleep on the couch tonight...

The sooner I went to sleep, the sooner tomorrow morning will come so I let the drowsiness overcome me as I slipped into a darkness with a certain pair of green eyes in my mind.


Harry's POV

It was finally Saturday night, just a few more hours until I get to see her. And go on an actual date with her, if that's what it was... I really have to clear that up when I see her.

Just me and her.

Now, I know what you're thinking: "What happens when a fan sees you out in public with some unknown, beautiful girl?"

Or at least that's what I'm thinking... Anyway, I'm going to suggest her and I go for a drive or something once we get our food. That way, there's a lesser chance of someone seeing us together. Management doesn't really like the idea of me dating a non-famous girl and if a rumour gets out that I'm dating Holly, they'll have my head. Plus, I don't want Holly to find out about me just yet. Or get hate from fans for unknown reasons.

So, that's my plan, and if anything goes wrong, the worst that could happen is she finds out who I am. No biggie.


Right now, Lou and I were sat on the couch, mindlessly watching the telly after a long day of recording. The album was finally coming to an end. Not that I don't love recording and writing; it's just that I want our fans to hear it already! I personally think it's coming along great. It seems more mature than Up All Night and you can easily relate most songs on Take Me Home to sex- but hey, we're teenage lads; let us have some fun.

"What are you thinking about, Harreh?" Lou mumbled, looking at my face intently from where he lay; face pressed into the arm of the sofa.

I was sat by his feet and I smiled at him and how young he looked in that moment. This is the Lou I know; no paps, fans or people around to judge us and tell us who to be. Lou and I have this friendship no one can seperate. No romance, just bromance. Of course the other lads are my best mates too, don't get me wrong, it's just Lou and I instantly bonded since the X-Factor. (A/N: quick rant; i totally ship larry THE BROMANCE. shame on the people who think they're actually in love which actually ended up just ruining they're friendship. sorrynotsorry now back to the story xx)

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