Beep Beep!

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I didn't really expect him to get out of his car too, but he was out his door before I even shut mine.

And we stood staring across at each other until I finally spoke up. "You stood me up." I regretted saying that. It sounded like I really wanted him to show... wait, didn't I?

"No, no," he started to shake his large hands and I cross my arms, trying not to get annoyed. "That's not what happened I swear I-"

"I'm not in the mood to be lied to right now, Harry. I've had a really rough morning and the last thing I want if for someone to lie to me."

"But Holly, I promise I went-"


A car honked behind Poppy. The curbs were lined with no parking zones so she didn't have a choice but to drive away. The man behind her was getting really infuriated at us and Poppy sent me a nervous, confused glare. Basically, she was asking why I wasn't getting in the car.

But I'm not done talking to Harry yet! What was he going to say?


Another car sounded, but this time from behind Harry's car. UGH!

Come on. I just have to talk to him for like five minutes, is that too much to ask?

But what do I do? We can't just sit here and exchange numbers, there's no time! The drivers were getting angry quickly. I screamed in frustration, stomping my foot on the ground while opening Poppy's stupid car door.


"Meet me at Starbucks tonight then!" I yelled at Harry.

"But they're not open tonight!"

"Then- just- ugh! I don't know!" I screamed at him and slammed my car door shut, having Poppy speed away. I always run away from problems; it's a bad habit of mine.

"Okay," she said. "You have ten minutes to explain to me what just happened back there and who the hell that was. I feel like I've met him before, is he one of your exes? He seems so familiar! Like I know him too!"

I ignored her confusing comments and waved her off then rubbed my temples. "I met him in Starbucks yesterday, that's why I was late to work."

"Wait then why don't you have his number!?"

"We were supposed to meet this morning but he stood me up."

"What!?" she exclaimed.

"I know but-"

"I wouldn't talk to him like ever again. I don't want you getting hurt, Hol," she pouted.

"But Poppy he-"

"Trust me," she cut me off again. "Remember what happened with..." she gulped, "'He Who Sha'll Not Be Named?" she asked dramatically.

I sighed. 'He Who Sha'll Not Be Named' is Jasper, Poppy's ex boyfriend. Of course I remembered; she cried for months! That's another story I'll tell later but basically, the boy stomped all over her heart and left the pieces for her to clean up. Everything he ever told her was a lie; including those three words every girl wants to hear.

"Yes, Poppy, I remember what happened, but Harry-"

"-stood you up!" she interrupted and I sighed. "Tell me that doesn't piss you off just a little bit!"

I thought about it and opened my mouth to try to defend Harry but Poppy spoke again before I could. "I mean come on!" she exclaimed. "What a jerk! I would never even look at him ever again if that happened to me."

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