Chapter 2

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Annah*s pov
"shortness wuv you too" I replied as she left
I gripped the kitchen counter so tight my knuckles were turning and lowered my head Carine leaving was making me feel like am losing her... Am tremendously happy for her but it pains me that I won't see her for who knows how long and it's not like south Korea is just outside my door it's freaking far. I continued crying as I made dinner, I heard the door to canrine room close... I took a deep breath and continued moving around the kitchen... " Annah I found a away, we can video chat every day...and you can come that way we won't miss each other that much" Carine said "wait you want me to come to South Korea," I asked stopping in my tracks as I was about to take plates from high up the cabinet since she can't reach Carine is 5'0 in as much as she doesn't like me calling her short she still is short. "okay will plan that to details, and if You meet a cute guy introduce me to his brother or cousin call  me and tell me  about him immediately" with this remark Carine rolled her eyes at me. I plated our food as we continued chatting way for the rest of the night as we cleaned the used dishes and went to pack her things.

Time skips

Carine's pov
"Annah come on we are going to get late because of traffic girl hurry up" I yelled at the top of my lungs at Annah. " Yaaaaish girl am coming blame your heavy suitcases," she said " I wanted to carry them but your stubborn self won't let me" (bzzzz) I reached inside my pocket and looked at who was calling me "Hello mummy am just about to leave, how are you?" " Am doing good my love make sure you take care of yourself and call me when you get there" " okay mummy byeee talk to you later, oooh A said hey" " Tell her I said hey and I love you both very much bye girls" " bye mummy" we both said in unison. It was now around 8:30 pm and my flight was leaving at midnight but we had to leave early because of traffic and Annah wanted to stay with me at the airport a little longer, getting out of the house I found my god mum waiting outside for us. Both Annah and I looked at her shocked, "you said we meet you at the airport because of your work schedule god mum! " we both said together raising our voices a bit higher than expected... " yeah I know I  decided to come can't let my girls go with a taxi right now, now wipe those shocked expressions off  your faces....." she said." b-but your work.." I asked worry evident in my voice. " I asked Mr. Charles to leave work earlier than usual" she replied.
Now quite chatting and get in the car.

We loaded her car with my stuff and both Annah and I sat at the back, and drove off.

Time skips ( At the airport) 9:30 pm.

After arriving at the airport my heart started beating, with excitement and anxiety. I looked at Annah who was fast asleep and chuckled a little as I remembered her telling me she wouldn't sleep today and here she was fast asleep. She has been sleeping the entire drive to the Airport "Yaaaaaa girl wake up" I startled her awake I wanted to wake her gently but Naaaaah, I had to torture her " W-what what's wrong," she asked immediately getting up worry plastered all over her face. I took this opportunity to capture the moment and laughed at her expression  on my phone. "Don't talk to me!" she yelled I was laughing so hard I was unable to talk for a whole 10 minutes straight. I looked at my best friend and just hugged her instead of pushing me away because she was angry she hugged me back, " Am hungry" she said. and I just chuckled. I took my phone to call my god mum who had left to get a luggage carrier trolley and hasn't been back since, just as I was about to call her, the drivers side door opened my god mum's head popped in with a smile and  bags on her right hand " I brought the trolley but it took me some walking around to get one! Ooooh and I brought you guys food thought you'd be hungry" she added giving as the bags. We thanked her and took the food, we ate and chatted the rest of the night. Answering phone calls of my relatives beding me goodbye. While others informed as that they had arrived at the airport, got out of the car removed all my stuff and went to my terminal because only 1hr and 30 minutes were left for me to leave. Funny how time moves quickly when you bid your loved one's good bye. And now I was in the plain seated at the window looking down at the beautiful site with the Moon brightly brightening the world it was just beautiful! , since I was a night person I wanted to remain in the clouds and just watch how the night ushers the sun in to bring day. But sleep knocked my doors and I putting a lot of fight gave up and fell asleep.

I was awoken by the hostess telling me to buckle my seat belt we were about to land. " Are we in Korea?!" I asked more than exclaim than ask " No miss we are just changing planes at a different airport" she answered me chuckling. She was really polite! I told myself. The changing of planes went smoothly apart from some passengers getting lost and directed to the right point which is normal, and with in no time the plane took off. Some snacks were served and others slept while others were awake chatting, my went back to Annah and what she might be doing at 3 :00am probably sleeping I told myself and a smile made its way to my lips as I know how much off a sleeper she is at times. Suddenly the plane started swaying and shaking bringing me back. Panic screams everywhere with flight attendants trying to calm the panicked passengers, I looked outside the window and saw dark heavy clouds around us as it rained heavenly. The plane continued shaking as the lights flickered on and off you could hear people praying others crying, the one sitted beside me was fast asleep not aware of what was happening this shocked me.. . Was I scread...? I was beyond petrified, my heart beating, my whole body shaking. My calmness was long thrown out off the window. (Just like it happens in the movie this is how am going to die without landing in Seoul..) . My dramatic ass talked non-stop. My heart almost leaving my body with how fast and loud it was beating... "Uhm! Miss my hand is really hurting right now, can you let go now please!") I heard a voice speak making me snap my head very fast am sure I hurt my neck in the process. I looked at the man speaking to me confusion written all over my face, he noticed and gestured to his arm
" oooh am really sorry "" Did I hurt you? " I asked the man I had squeezed his hand so hard am sure it turned blue at some point.. He chuckled and said his fine. I was really embarrassed . I tried hiding under my hoodie.
" hey am Choi kim" the man said extending his arm.

Heey munchkins

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2022 ⏰

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