CHAPTER I - Archangel of Death

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Angels are said to be the right hand of the Lord, but not the dark angles. Who have also been deemed as "fallen angels". They have sinned in heaven and was soon casted out of the paradise.

In Islam the prominent angel of Death is Azrael, she appears to be gender-neutral, sometimes female, sometimes male. She's one of the four major archangels in Islam. She's associated with the angels Jibrael, Mikael, and Israfil. A scythe and a dark robe covering her cursed wings could probably describe her. She was punished by her God which made her turn into a demon angel. Feeding on souls, following Satan's evil instructions.

Azrael separates souls from humans' bodies. In the Islamic books she recognizes whose soul to take once a leaf was sent by Allah on his throne, 40 days before the actual death of that person. The leaf contains the name of the particular person and their identity. The remaining days of the person will be Azrael's duty to monitor.

It is also believed that every time Azrael collects a soul his power and strength increases. Azrael is not only known as the angel of death. She's also an angel of vengeance, she delivers punishment on those who have sinned others. In some days, Azrael depicts a human body to seduce them to sin and collect their soul for her own good.

Many believed she's evil.

People fear her.

Although, on the positive side Azrael helps people on their grief process. The angel of death assists both the dying, as well as people connected to them, to help them find comfort and peace throughout the process. It's the responsibility of Archangel Azrael to help the departing soul detach from the physical body and cross over to their next phase of life in the hereafter.

Azrael is a powerful angel. It is also important to note that she gets what she wants, one main reason why she was casted out of heaven. Once she sets her eyes on something she'll surely get it. Be careful not to make a wish which will destroy others, because she will grant it. Then, comes back to you demanding for a price.

"The book caught your interest I think?" Irene smiled, as she closes the door entering Jennie's classroom.

"It made me curious." The brunette simply replied. She closed the book and puts it on her table.

"How was it?" Irene further asked.

"It is a fantasy book Irene. It just happened that Carl was so into it and was asking me too many questions."

Carl is Jennie's little brother, who's on middle school. The boy was so fond with fantasy books that she opted to read one just to answer his questions.

"I thought you're investing time into reading now too. It is a good choice though. So that you won't find teaching a lot stressful maybe." Irene suggested.

"I actually might if it ain't with my constant headaches and poor vision. I was only reading for an hour or so and now my head is aching again. This is bad, I've got papers to check and grade."

"Did you visit the clinic I recommended you?" her fellow teacher worriedly asked.

"Yes. I visited three days ago and they told me the lab results will be available today." Jennie slightly massaged her temples, hoping the ache of her head will eventually subside. Yet, it is getting worse. In fact, she's anxious of the results of her lab and MRI.

"What time will you be going out? Do you want me to accompany you? I finished my scheduled classes today."

"No, it's okay Irene. I can manage." She puts on a smile, collects her self up and grabbed a bottle of water.

"Are you sure? You don't look okay to me Jennie."

"I'm fine, really." She retorts.

"I know for sure that this is only about stress and my insomnia." She added.

"If that's what you say. Just be sure to take meds the doctor will give you, okay? Call me when you get the results done." Irene smiled before she stepped out of the room.

When Jennie was about to start checking papers of her students, she received a text from the hospital that the results are out.

She became nervous in an instant, started fidgeting and overthinking. No matter how hard she tried to convince herself that what she's experiencing are only normal she can't deny the fact that the symptoms are getting worse. She's so afraid that something very serious is going on on her body.

She's scared.

She doesn't want to die.

What will happen to Carl once she's gone?

The mere thought of her younger brother crying his heart out because she's gone torments her.

She's the only thing the boy has...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2021 ⏰

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