Chapter 3: Reasons

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After being kicked out of my former club because of biased reasons, I was forced to just go to the volleyball club. I was angry about the unfair system but since my friend was there I was okay to just take a look at the sport.

I was on my way to the Kitagawa-Daichi Gymnasium and was feeling angry and distressed about this enforcement. 

They didn't care if I didn't want to join, they just sent me here just for the sake of filling in the requirements of the school.

"I don't need a club," I grumbled.

I took a deep breath and pushed the doors open.

My frown then turned into a gasp. Light surrounded me and blocked everything out, I opened the door only to find a senior make a jump for the ball. He made a specific position in the air and focused his power on his arm, causing him to spike the ball.

The ball shot like a bullet but not to the ground but my face.

Gasps were heard but worried faces evolved into confused faces, my friend ran up to me but paused in shock at my response.

She found me sitting on my butt, with my hands on the floor and my knees together. With a wide smile and a sparkle in my eye. I had a new and pleasant type of adrenaline, excitement and somewhat envy.

"Are you o-okay Kimo-chan?" My friend finally asked. My voice started to build up the volume "holy MUFFIN!!!" 

"Holy muffin! What are you doing here?!" 

I sat up straight and screamed at the tall boy, Hinata looked at him too "I was wondering the same thing!"

He looked like he regretted his own existence, luckily, he wasn't alone in the feeling. He glared at me but then brought his attention to the boy that somehow left my side. I looked around confused about where Hinata had gone but then I noticed as he slowly approached the boy.

"You're the guy from last year... I don't remember your name." As they greeted each other, I rubbed my head in pain 'Dang, I can't feel my face anymore!'

As I slowly stood up, I listened in on the conversation. They somehow knew each other, kind of, and were talking about some kind of game they had last year. 

"You bet me in one game. I fully remember!"

'Wait game?!' From where I stood I stared at Hinata and remembered where I've seen him from.

I stood in the bleachers and watched as my school's male volleyball team play their last game, ever, for junior-high. It was Kitagawa Daichi vs. Yukigaoka.

I sat down grumbling and complaining about my school's opponents, they had a lot of potential but they were just holding it back because of second-guessing. At some point, my personal judgments and comments turned into public-Karen-drama.

"Oi! Stop being scared of receiving and just get it when you can!" I screamed. The teammates did look at me but were confused with who I was, most likely what. I can't blame them since I was wearing a hoodie that was covering my head while wearing sunglasses and a mustache. 

I mean what disguise does not have a mustache?!

"Crud they're gonna make the other team win!!!" I sighed, as angry as I sounded someone behind me realized something, "Hey aren't you in Kitagawa Daichi?!" I turned back and broke a sweat.

With a deep and manly voice I spoke "What? No! What could you possibly be talking about?! I am a middle-aged man here to just watch kids play that's all! Hehehehehe." The stranger squinted at me but I looked away in order to avoid being caught.

A few minutes passed and this game was going nowhere "This is a waste of time." I finally decided to leave until there was some flash on the court.

I paused and turned back to the railing "What was tha-" Then boom, a figure made the highest jump, I have ever seen. 

I stood and gripped the railing as his hand went for the ball, it was amazing! There was that shine in my eye again and I felt the same adrenaline, excitement, and envy that I thought I had lost.

When the ball finally went to my school-teams side of the court, I lost the feeling. It was such a short amount of time but it felt great to feel so happy, excited... Inspired.

Due to my instincts, I leaned over the railing "THAT WAS AMAZING!!!" While leaning I accidentally dropped my fake, I mean, real mustache. My hands flew to shield my identity but sadly, some of the Yukigaoka teammates looked at me just in time to capture a glimpse of my mustache-less face.

Without second thoughts, I ran and exited the bleachers.

After running out of the gym, passed the gate and the parking lot, I was running up the street. My legs were hurting and I stopped. With my palms resting on my knees, I took a deep breath and started to feel tears, tears of joy.

I started laughing like a maniac "Pfft- They saw my mustache!" 

I suddenly felt like I had made an important discovery, like the discovery of the pyramids, "You were the Jumpy-Boi!" I pointed at Hinata and he looked at me in surprise and then he gasped.

"And you were the Mustache Karen!" We both double-pointed at each other and gasped at our discovery.

"And you were the Mustache Karen!" We both double-pointed at each other and gasped at our discovery

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"I'm stuck with idiots." Kageyama sighed, we both stopped our pointing and stared at him.

"I know I got clobbered in that game, but I won't lose next time! That's what I came here preapred to do, so why are you here? How can I beat you when we are on the same team?!" I glared at the guy, wondering the same question but with a different reason.

He paid no attention to me but gave his reason "I applied to the school with the best team in the prefecture..." '

'Yeah, I know that but why aren't you ther-'

"I didn't make it in." He made an intimidating glare at Hinata but I stood farther away in front of him. I responded in shock and was a bit baffled by his reason.

"But you are the King of The Court," Hinata said, to my surprise Kageyama reacted in anger to his statement. "Don't call me that." I froze for a while and processed that he didn't get into his school, I kind of felt sorry for him. 

But for some reason, I ended up blocking my mouth with the back of my hand... BECAUSE I WAS LAUGHING!

Before I could burst out in laughter, I was paused because of certain voices. 

"Who knew that the setter from Kitagawa First would choose us?" We all turned our attention to the entry Hinata had come from "But he's cocky, I just know it." Another voice budded in.

I listened in and heard the footsteps and voices come closer "Not again. Would you stop intimidating everyone you see?" "I-I would never do such a thing." The supposed intimidating guy responded. 

Kageyama turned properly to the voice of the new characters and greeted them calmly "Hello."

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