Changing Relationships

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Nervously, Harry looked from the stern, angular lines in the goblin's face to Gaunt's angry face. Gaunt's crimson eyes gleamed precariously, a dark curse bubbled close to the surface, ready to be uttered. The goblin had raised his upper lip with a sneer and looked down from his workstation arrogantly as if interacting with wizards was beneath his dignity.

"The Potters' wills are sealed, this has been the case since November 1981, you can only open them with permission from the probate court. Master Potter will be able to do this from his seventeenth birthday," the goblin said.

Gaunt's eyes shot fire. "We have seen with Harry's Inheritance Test that he is my Heir. It seems logical to me that I can adopt him as mine."

The goblin grinned, his short, sharp teeth showing. "We have been able to see that Mr. Potter is the heir to several family names, without releasing the restrictions imposed by the will, Gringotts Wizarding Bank cannot make a change in Mr. Potter's status. After all, we don't know how the family ties run. Adoption is not possible."

Gaunt slammed his hand hard on the counter and glared at the goblin. "We both know that Gringotts can perform a precise test where the family ties are revealed through blood, as if in magic," Gaunt growled with thinly veiled anger.

The little goblin rose and looked down menacingly at Harry and Gaunt. "We of the Goblin Nation are separate from the Wizarding business, Mr. Gaunt. We adhere to our code and the agreements we have made with our clients. The wills of Mr. and Mrs. Potter are sealed and can only be opened by Mr. Potter's Magical Guardian; as indicated in the agreements made in November 1981."

Gaunt waved the document in his hands. "These are adoption papers signed by Petunia Evans, she has officially turned over Harry's care to me."

"That may be so, Mr. Gaunt, but these are papers valid for the Muggle authorities. Within the magical community you have no control over Mr. Potter," the Goblin said distantly.

"And within the Muggle community?" Gaunt asked as he handed the papers to the Goblin.

The Goblin looked at the official papers and checked their contents. "Hmm, the papers seem in order. We can process the request so that it ends up with the right Muggle authorities." The Goblin laughed unpleasantly. "Congratulations, Mr. Gaunt. You have complete control over Mr. Potter in the Muggle community. Unfortunately, this does not mean that you are Mr. Potter's new Magical Guardian, or that you can adopt the child."

Gaunt makes a dismissive gesture with his hand, it was a graceful gesture, almost casual. He then looked at Harry and let his gaze wander over the boy. He brushed the black locks of his scar with a thoughtful look and ran his index finger over the lightning bolt engraved into the skin.

"Hmm, you won't be a Marvolo, after all," he said absently, his gaze fixed on the goblin behind the counter.

"Ricbert," Gaunt said to the Goblin behind the counter. "Mr. Potter and I will take a trip to the Slytherin Vault today, we're in need of your assistance."

The goblin nodded and stepped off his platform. He took quick steps to the double doors that led to the safes deep in the hollows beneath the sofa.

"Follow me, gentlemen," the Goblin said as he walked toward an old-fashioned elevator.

"No cart?" Harry whispered to Gaunt.

The dark eyes, framed with thick eyelashes, looked at Harry, fine laugh lines appeared on the sides. "The older safes that belong to the wealthy Pureblood families can often be reached by elevator. Can you imagine Lucius Malfoy whizzing down with a cart? I daresay his haircut would suffer," Gaunt said with a chuckle, whispering in Harry's ear as they got into the elevator. "Are you familiar with those hairstyles Muggles wore a few years ago? Those poodles that men wore like hair? I shudder at the thought of proposing that to Lord Malfoy."

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