Chapter 3 Summary

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Chapter 3

With Obama still serving as state senator, he and Michelle raised their children peacefully for two years. During this time, he formed the vision of a campaign that would unify America across political lines. He decided to run for statewide office as a senator. He persuaded Michelle that he should run, and he got the well-known political media consultant David "Axe" Axelrod on board. Obama gained national attention for giving a speech opposing the war in Iraq, creating momentum for his campaign. He was invited to give the keynote address at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, expanding his reputation on the national stage. His popularity and the lack of a viable opponent brought him victory in the Senate race.

In office, Obama built a staff, headed by Capitol Hill veteran Pete Rouse, and made connections with important senators such as Harry Reid, the Democratic senate majority leader. Obama's passion for decreasing the global nuclear weapon supply—a principle known as nuclear non-proliferation—led him to take an international tour of nuclear-related sites with Republican senator Dick Lugar. While they were traveling, Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast of the United States. The fallout of this event convinced Obama that the United States...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2021 ⏰

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