Chapter 10

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Hey guys sorry I haven't been active much, here's a bunch of chapters!

"What happened?" Alex asked. "And why are your arms full of clothes?"

Luke turned around to see Alex and Willie as they entered the studio through the door. "Oh hey! Did you guys get zapped solid too?"

"Zapped solid?" Willie repeated, "Is that what we're calling it?" He went over to Julie and gave her a big hug in greeting.

Don't be jealous, Luke admonished himself. Julie and Willie were best friends, and he really didn't want to be that kind of boyfriend. Not that he and Julie were together or anything. One awesome hug didn't a relationship make, but still. He pondered where to put the pile of folded clothing he was holding and then just put it onto one of the chairs. If they were actually going to stay, they would need a dresser.

"I think it sounds better than 'infused with Lifeforce energy'," Julie said with a sarcastic wave of her hands. "But, is that what happened?"

"Why did you think we walked home?" Alex took off his baseball cap, smoothed his hair and then put it back on with the brim facing backward. "Walking is way less convenient than teleporting."

"Wait. Me zapping Reggie hit you guys too? You weren't even here!"

"Wow," Alex said, staring at Julie. "Your Gift must be really powerful."

"Are you okay?" Willie took her hands, searching her face. "Did you get enough sugar after?"

"I ate cookies," Julie reassured him. "But I still don't get it. How did I do that?"

"Our Lifeforces are connected, obviously," Luke said. He'd felt connected to her from the second they met. It made total sense that she'd be able to do what she did.

"I guess?" Willie said.

"Makes as much sense as anything else has since we arrived," Alex said with a small shrug. "Meaning it really makes no sense at all."

"I don't mind the idea of being connected to you guys," Julie said, looking into Luke's eyes.

"Uh," he said after an intense moment of Julie's gaze holding his, "how'd you get back?"

"We took the bus," Willie said. "Alex had some money with him."

"Turns out coins from ninety-five are still good in the modern era." Alex sat down on the couch and then looked around. "This place looks clean."

"You would not believe what's happened since you went on your..." Luke paused and glanced at Alex.

"Date," Alex said, ducking his head a little. "It was a date."

"Definitely." Willie sat down beside Alex and put his arm around him.

"Willie! I'm so happy for you!" Julie clapped her hands delightedly.

"So, what did happen while we were on our date?" Alex asked, looking at Luke and Julie. "I can't believe you decided to clean this place on your own."

"Ok, it's a crazy story," Julie said. "And let me start by saying that Reggie's okay. He's at Flynn's."

Alex sat up. "Something happened to Reggie?"

"To all of us," Luke said. He went to sit on the chair, realized it was full of clothes, and instead sat on the floor. He told them what they'd missed.

"I still can't believe you were able to zap us from your house. We were in Hollywood!" Willie said to Julie when Luke had finished.

"I know, right? It doesn't make any sense," Julie said.

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