Chapter 8

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 "Get up, brother."

Sheyric grunts and opens his eyes. Lorietta's standing over him, fully dressed in an extravagant lace dress and holding what looks like the blazer he was wearing yesterday. She throws it on top of him and walks to the open doorway of the carriage.

He sits up but doesn't put on the jacket. The window curtains are pulled back, and the morning sun streams through at the perfect angle, lighting up every speck of dust in the car. It looks like the kind of light that will bring a colder day, but he knows not to be deceived by it. Lorietta is obviously not expecting it to be warm either, with so many layers.

He joins Lori at the door but stops short of opening it to glance over the space. "Where did you put the deer?"

"I set her out to graze," she says, sounding immensely proud of herself. "And I named her Prairie."

"I trust that you actually tethered her to something." He says, opening the door. Right outside, Glennic is kneeling on the ground next to Prairie, tying a rope onto the wheel of the carriage that is already attached to the deer.

Sheyric doesn't even have to react for her to shrug defensively. She walks down the landing and stands next to the stablehand. "See? I don't even have to remember everything myself."

Glennic snorts and stands up. "You're lucky I care about living things. But regardless," he smiles and motions to the carriage. "Karyk is just on the other side. I have things to do besides frolic in there, but do what you need. Ceicy's already there if you want to find her,"

Sheyric rounds the carriage without another word, Lorietta trailing between him with hurried steps. He's immediately filled with peace seeing the town again.

Now, Karyk seems larger. The roads are better paved, too. But the buildings are made of the same materials, and it's enough. He can just barely see the motel behind other buildings on the main street, and he picks up speed.

He gets to the motel quickly, standing in front of the door hesitantly. The building looks the same- maybe more weather beaten- and the Storage on the side is still there, hopefully still filled with clay. Somewhere while he was walking, Lorietta abandoned him.

Grasping the door handles, he swings it open. The sight inside immediately makes him want to collapse.

There's crates and boxes littering every surface of the place. Even the big dining table in the center seems to be in the middle of deconstruction. A man stands in the back putting what looks like utensils into a small basket, and his head shoots up at Sheyric's entrance.

Sheyric swallows and steps forward. "Where's Plei?"

The man sighs and puts the basket down. His mane of black hair is pulled back tight and his dark skin glitters with sweat. "It's a whole thing, but she had to sell the motel and we're living elsewhere. But you look important."

Sheyric sets his hands on top of his head for a moment, not believing it. That was Plei's whole livelihood. She got good enough business from the motel to keep for years even before he started staying there annually. What would she be doing without it? Where would she be living and getting the money everyone needs?

He takes a deep breath and regains his composure, offering a hand out to him. "I'm Sheyric."

The man takes it and nods. "Ofrine, Plei's son, actually. I think I've heard that name before."

"Probably. Me and Plei were close friends."

"No, not that," Ofrine says, looking deep in thought. "Well maybe, but I recognize it from something."

Sheyric laughs without humor. He was trying not to bring up anything about his status or whatever strange news there might be about him. He opens his mouth but Ofrine waves his hands to stop him.

"That probably is what I heard it from." He says, picking up a large crate behind Sheyric and the basket of silverware. "But I don't care. If my mother likes you, I like you. If you want to see her, you can come."

He starts walking out the motel before Sheyric nods, and he follows behind him. They walk down the long road and wind around the corner to an area with tiny, identical, houses. Ofrine jogs to the second one down and opens the door, balancing the crate in one arm.

Sheyric hears him talking quietly inside as he walks in. Right next to the doorway is unmistakably Plei, covering her face in shock. She practically squeals seeing him, pulling him into a tight hug.

"You have some explaining to do," she says with a smile, moving away and sitting on a bench against the wall. Her hair is more gray now but she's wearing the same brightly dyed clothes like always. Ofrine puts the crate and basket in a large stack of them and sits next to his mother.

Sheyric smiles and leans on the door frame. "I didn't know that you have a son."

Ofrine shrugs. "We weren't close most of my life. But we're better now."

"It's one good thing that came out of this tragedy," Plei says, shaking her head sadly. "I'm glad I got my Ofrine back."

"Is there a full story of how this happened?"

"Money got tight a few years ago, but we held, making a few adjustments that worked well." She continues. "But the resident business tycoon heard it was struggling, walked it, handed me some gold and told me to pack everything up."

"Keres," Ofrine says, looking troubled. "She's from Raha. Smart, rich, sweeping out every job here."

Sheyric thinks for a moment, brushing out his hair with his fingers. "Where can I find her?"

The two stifle a laugh. "No one can stop her at this point," Plei says. "I don't think there's any reason in bothering it. Many people try."

He inhales and sits on the crate next to him. "I... am a noble. In Florithe. Because I assisted in stopping Firyah. Here," he pulls out the identification card from his pocket and hands it to them. "So I do have a reason for never coming back. And I have a way to help you."

Plei reads the card, beaming. Ofrine suddenly snaps his fingers and points to it. "That's what I heard your name from. The people here like you."

"I wasn't sure if it was true, so I didn't mention it at first," she says and hands it back. "I've been all over that news like a bear to honey."

"You wouldn't believe how Karyk will spring back if you do something about Keres."

Sheyric smiles sheepishly. "Please don't spread the news about me being here. I really only came to see the motel. But," he says standing up again, "I do have an idea."

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