Chapter 27

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Sheyric shakes out his arms one at a time as his horse trots to the broken-down caravan. It's nearly noon now, and there's no sign of Ennith anymore. The brown stallion Leiea mentioned is gone.

He gathered up Vaeic and Leiea to help him deal with Kazor. The anxiety of whether he and Adane are still there or not has been wearing at him.

The group winds around the throngs of bodies beginning to decompose. Getting impatient, Sheyric digs his heel into the horse's side and they shoot forward. Now next to the caravan, he jumps down and waits for the others. Leiea is right behind him, but Vaeic takes her sweet time, admiring the scenery with a smugly content expression.

Sheyric sighs looking at the nearly invisible door of the caravan. He jumps as Leiea appears next to him.

"Are you sure you want to go in there alone?" She asks, motioning to Vaeic. "We're right here."

"It'll be alright," he affirms. "You two are smart enough to know when to help."

She only gives a small nod.

Sheyric flashes her a weary smile and flips the rifle on his back into his hand. With a deep breath, he flings open the door and takes a huge step up onto the landing. Light floods the dark space.

Adane is propped up against the wall, holding his gun in position. He nods once in recognition and lowers his weapon seeing who's at the door.

Kazor is sitting in the same spot, slouched down in his seat. His eyes are blindfolded as instructed, plus his arms are tied back. Certainly a smart measure to be taken. His uncovered mouth is pursed into a tight line.

"Thank you, Adane." Sheyric says, walking towards them. The soldier bows and Kazor's head lifts up.

Sheyric continues. "We're going to move this thing into Raencalia in a secure spot. Kazor will be watched over in here until Evadon arrives."

"I'm right here, you know," The blinded noble spits out. "Calling over Evadon like a child. This little stunt of yours is getting absurd. At the very least, keep me somewhere nicer in this no-name village you manage to call home."

A pang goes through Sheyric and he stiffens. A direct hit to his childhood. No-name village.

"Don't worry about that, your majesty," he manages to respond, avoiding the prior comment. "You'll be in good hands. Come now, Adane."

A deep, growly groan arises from Kazor's throat as the two exit the caravan. They jump off the landing and Leiea and Vaeic look over at them.
"Ah," Vaeic says, leaning back on her stallion, arms propped up on the beast's back. "Whoever you're choosing to take care of that infernal man is going to have a wondrous life for a few weeks. Now, who's the lucky guy? I vote Therin."

Leiea and Sheyric give each other amused glances.

"I happen to vote you," the noble announces. The nurse crosses her arms and opens her mouth to object but he interrupts her. "I originally considered Lorietta, but I am not cruel enough for that. Not to mention that you are a nurse by trade. I think that's worth something."

She doesn't argue, but he's never seen her brow so furrowed.

He clears his throat after a moment. "We need to hook the horses up to this."

Leiea grabs a pile of ropes they brought over. The two of them lead the horses over while detangling the mess of old cords.

"More people like you need to be in charge in Florithe," Leiea mutters solemnly. She loops an end of a rope through rings of metal on the sides of the saddle, repeating the process on the opposite side.

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