The Beginning

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I'm a Genie. I've been living since basically the beginning of time. Right after the big bang, to be exact. But I wasn't alone. There are many creatures like me. We were created from a gigantic amount of mass and energy and then used the rest of it to create the universe as you know it. We call ourselves Celestials. Throughout centuries we became part of a culture. Some called us demigods or angels, some called us monsters and demons. But most people have no clue we exist.

Each of us has massive powers and combine we achieve stability between realms. Every realm has its own guardian, who protects it and tries to make the life of his people as great as possible. But we have limits too, especially me. I tried to make my realm as beautiful and peaceful as possible, but an accident happened. I created very intelligent creatures, whom I could share my realm with and I granted their wishes and for some time it was beautiful there. But then they wanted more and more and became jealous and turned on each other. I tried to stop it, but it meant taking free will from them, which is the most forbidden thing you can do as a Celestial. So The Highest One punished me for it by locking me to my bottle.

I live there, sleep there, eat there...until someone finds me and I can grant him a wish. Theoretically. I always try my best, but as part of the punishment my powers are defected. The wish which starts as a sweet dream eventually turns into the worst nightmare. And as much as I try, I can't say no when someone asks for something. And it's not because I am shy or want to be nice and make everyone happy, but I am not physically able to do so.

Thankfully my best friend lives in the neighbouring realm and tries to help me out. He usually hides my bottle, so no one can find me and when someone does he repairs the damage. How you ask? Well, his gift is a control of time. Us Celestials are not affected by it, but the world around us is. It is almost sad that my friend is so lazy. with this power he could have built an especially strong realm. But instead he just lays around and visits other realms. His name is Zurro, which in star language means Saturn, his realm.

We have the best time together. He visits as much as possible, so I wouldn't feel lonely. But I still do. I' ve been hiding for a few centuries now and I hoped it would stay like this, but I wasn't so lucky...And when I finally got out of my bottle, my realm was in a horrible state. I didn't create Earth like this...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2021 ⏰

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