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The definition of lesbian is a sapphic aligned non-man who is attracted to other sapphic aligned non-men. The lgbta wiki, however, uses a harmful definition which implies that lesbians can be attracted to men. Which is very wrong, and also very dangerous.

 Which is very wrong, and also very dangerous

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lesbian is not an Umbrella term. the people who spread this kind of misinformation often misinterpret and misuse lgbtq history to validate putting lesbians in danger. when an actual lesbian points out what they're doing, they'll often call the person calling them out a terf (which in this scenario is misusing the word and subtly changing the definition which benefits actual terfs) and an  exclustionist.

ACTUAL exclusionists are people who don't support he/him lesbians, think ace lesbians are invalid, and don't think nonbinary people can be lesbians. All of these are very clearly wrong. when lesbiphobes call people pointing out their lesbiphobia this, they are changing the definition and misusing the word.

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the Umbrella term for nblw or wlw is SAPPHIC not lesbian

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the Umbrella term for nblw or wlw is SAPPHIC not lesbian. All lesbians are sapphics, but not all sapphics are lesbians.

people who CANNOT be lesbians: cis men, binary trans men, people attracted to men, masculine aligned nonbinary identities (demiboys, trans masc people, etc.)

people who CAN be lesbians: cis women, binary trans women, nonbinary people (this includes genderfluid, agender, demigirl, any gender that is outside the gender binary and fem leaning)

the spreading of this harmful idea could potentially lead to a surge in corrective rape (rape that occurs to "fix" lesbians) and the discourse surrounding this has lead to the most blatant lesbiphobia I've ever seen. the fact that the lgbta wiki is a common resource used by people who are questioning themselves can lead to people misusing the word lesbian and spreading these harmful ideas further.

Lesbians are getting our sexuality ERASED. We are being silenced by the admins and called "mean lesbians" and "terfs" for speaking up. If you truly care about your lesbian friends, followers, and peers then don't just ignore stuff like this. Spread this around and uplift lesbian voices. We're tired of lesbiphobia getting ignored.

the bisexual community fought for years and years to be seen as their own separate identity rather than just "half straight" or "half gay" and mspec lesbians are practically undoing all the work that has been done, and the work still being done. Mspec lesbians are setting back both the lesbian community and the bisexual community.

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