The Muiltverse Theory

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Set inside an alternate reality in my story where the Nazi's had never attacked Jamestown, it's seems all well now, Jonah has been exiled outside and you lead Jamestown alongside you friend Dylan, you've been looking at a map all trying to figure out where are your Ericson's buddies ran off too

You: Ugh, so any luck today?

Dylan: No, they didn't find a clue of nothing out there... We brought back some food though

You: Some? How much does that equal up too?

Dylan: Enough for a couple of days, give or take

You: We aren't doing so good then

Dylan: Well, yeah we could better... But at least we're alive

You: Yeah, at least for that

Dylan: Well anyway it getting late... That trip took much more longer than expected, so I'm gonna get some good shut eye

You: Yeah, see ya

Dylan: Goodnight Y/N... Make sure to get some sleep bro, you'll need it

You: I haven't slept that good in years doubt that'll change tonight

He shuts the door behind him and you're left alone once more, so you decide to continue trying to pinpoint your friends location but it proves difficult as your eyes start to shut close, you try to resist but you're too sleep deprived to fight it off and in minutes you've passed out in the chair face with your face leaning upon the desk

!?: Clementine...

"I did... it"

A gunshot was heard then you were snapped awake as a huge blinding white thing had formed in front of you

You: What the fuck?

Your still can barely see tired after getting mo sleep but soon your body moves upon it's own and you seem to go inside the bright sphere


It was almost like going through a roller coaster or an acid trip, it was darker until you reached the end of a tunnel you were falling through, it was very bright light there with a familiar looking building in the distance, that was the last you could remember though, you opened up your eyes and saw the daylight the beautiful blue sky and some familiar scenery all around with some people

You: Wait is this?

You glance at those building and the long walls you've been here before not so long back, only some months ago

You: The fuck am I doing back at Alexandria? How in the shit?

You walk through the town it's familiar but at the same time something feels very off, but you can't put your finger upon it, did they find you on the outside? Did you blackout or something

You: I didn't touch the bottle did I? I quit half a year ago... Something isn't right

You notice people watching you while you walk through town, one of them looks almost homeless, he wears a leather vest with weathers upon the back, he looks to have never bathed,

You: Hey pal you talk?

He grunts in response to whatever you say and walks the other way

You: What a weird guy... And crossbows really? He's stealing Krugers thing

After that weird interaction you decide to look for my help inside the town someone must know how you've got here, maybe Rick could explain it, that was until you bumped into someone

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2022 ⏰

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