The Alternative ending

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A/N: This is an alternate ending to the original Clementine X Male Reader for the Final Season this is one of the ending that could of happened, I took it from  TWDG Season 5 because it was just out of place in there

Everyone looks at you

Louis: Come on Y/N you're tie breaker dude so please do what's right

Violet: I don't want to leave it here but we can't take care of it were kids

Y/N: Clem can take care of AJ so why not us

Mitch: Because it's dangerous dude and plus we shouldn't be raising a kid in this world anyways

Omar: I don't know you that well Y/N but I know you're a good person deep down so do the right thing

Y/N: I... I'm sorry but I don't want to do this shit as much as the other guy okay, but were not Clem were not able to take care of a baby were still kid's we don't have baby food or anything it's better if we just save it from living a shitty hell, I would of just rather had someone put me down than live through this fucked up world now, were saving this kid from getting hurt, physical and mentally guy's I don't want to do this but sadly it's for the best

Louis: Y/N, come on we can't just leave it

Y/N: We're not... Were gonna give this kid peace real peace

Louis: Once you kill this baby there's no going back

Y/N: I know... I don't want too... I can't put this kid through the pain of loss just think the parent's will thank us were doing them a favor

Violet: I'm sorry Y/N, no one wants to do this but we can't take care of it

Y/N: Yeah... just go I don't want you guys seeing this

Violet: Y/N, you don't have too

Y/N: I choice this the it's my responsibility, I couldn't give my child a good life, so I'll make sure this life isn't messed up there parents are gone anyways, right? It's better this way, now just go before I change my mind

They leave

Y/N: I'm sorry about your parent's this is our  fault... I miss mine to, no kid should have to go through this especially as a baby so now you won't

You cock the gun and pull the trigger

Y/N: (You start tearing up but wipe the tears right away) You're right I guess Minnie I am a monster, but so are you the difference between us is I still protect the people I love

You walk to the bridge

Clementine: Okay, just take your time and keep moving forward

You walk to the edge of the bridge

AJ: That's far

Tennessee: Real far

Y/N: Anybody scared of heights

Violet: Should be able to jump it, it's not that far

Clementine: Yeah I think we can, we just gotta be careful to-

Girl: Never mind the darkness. Never mind the storm. Never mind the blood red moon. The Night Will Be Over Soon

Tennessee: Minnie

Y/N: How in the fuck

Minerva: I did it I found, oh Tenn... my sweet little brother come with me

TWDG Sophie/Clementine x Male reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now