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"WAIT, YOU NEED MY help?! for what?" you question, rubbing the back of your neck nervously. does he know about my real mission? is he gonna try to convince me to help him instead? i would never-

"my hashira have been having... problems, with motivation. i can tell they feel like they don't have a reason to be here, to help me accomplish my ultimate goal. if they had you, a human, to 'protect', in a sense, they may feel like your safety is a priority, and give them the ambition they need to continue their work. i am simply asking you to befriend them, not necessarily get close. i just wish you to become enough of an acquaintance that they have something to protect, or cherish. i know of your relationship with mitsuri, and believe you're the perfect person for this; already having a strong relationship with one of them can inspire them to trust you. i know it may be a lot to ask of, but I have hope. besides, becoming friends with them can improve your safety and comfort while staying here." oyakata says, hands clasped together, with his head resting on the top as he sits behind his desk.

"wait, so i can stay?" you ask, eyes gleaming with hope.

"yes, as long as you agree to the rules and fulfill my wish, you may stay as long as you so please." he grins.

"great! thank you so much, sir. may i ask what the rules are?" you lightly raise an eyebrow in suspicion.

"it's truly no problem, and you may call me oyakata," he reaches down, opens a drawer, and pulls out a brush and paper. "and as for the rules, they are very simple. you should be able to follow them without a second thought. and if you should break one, a punishment will be in place." he scribbles words down on the paper as he speaks.

oyakata finishes, stands, and shakes your hand. "thank you for agreeing to this talk, and obliging to my request. i have little to no worries concerning the matter now that your here. have a good day." he hands you the paper, and you look down at it. when you look back up, he's gone again.

"it'll take a while to get used to that, huh." you mumble to yourself as you fold up the paper, and leave the room. thank you, oyakata, for being an idiot; now j have a valid reason to get close to them, then i can strike.

you exit the room, noticing that the twins were gone. you shrug, and began to walk through the halls, looking for mitsuri.

after 5 minutes you regretted not waiting for mitsuri; you were lost.

you never had a great sense of direction, but it wasn't terrible.

well, you initially thought that, but now you greatly doubt it.

you wandered around the ever changing halls, getting more and more agitated. at one point, you punched one of the walls, only to realize the walls are hard as cement, and you broke a couple fingers. morale of the story, you should have used your breathing. or maybe you should've just not punched the wall.

as you walked further and further for about 2 hours while holding your limp hand in your other hand, you find yourself in the same lounge-area you saw when you first arrived.

the hall opened up into two seperate rooms; on the left was an open kitchen, and the right had the lounge, which consisted of three leather couches, one parallel to the kitchen and the other two horizontal to you, on either side. there was a stone fireplace with flames blazing from inside across for the middle couch. you also noticed all the window were locked and closed, for obvious reasons.

out from the kitchen, a familiar figure with pink and green hair walked towards the lounge with the snake-man, and you felt immense joy.

"MITSURI!!" you yell out of relief, and ran to her.

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