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The child-like call bounced off the walls of the narrow hallway in the wall as Greta attempted to escape, Malcolm now passed out. Finally Greta was able to bust out, and without looking back or even acknowledging the more rugged and deep screams of the deranged man behind, she ran until she reached the manors gate.

She was gonna leave, gonna go away from this hellhole, back to America with her sister. All she needed to do was open the gate, but what was stopping her.

Was it the uncertainty of Malcolm's life? Cole? No. Not Cole, that bastard got what he deserved. In the most gruesome way though. Was that what he deserved? Yes, Greta knows what he did to her.

Was it Brahms, his childish call bringing something out in her?

No matter what, Greta turned back on her heel and walked back towards the Heelshire Manor.

The moment she walked in, she looked for the tall man, stalked the rooms until she saw his silhouette looming at the end of the hall. She called out to him, firmly but sweet. Greta temporarily eyed a convenient screwdriver, but thought against it. She knows he won't hurt her.

She called out again and Brahms - silently as ever- stalked over until he was just Infront of her. Breathing softly and not a trace of ill-intent in his eyes.

So she decided there was no need to feel fear, and instead walked away slowly, towards the Dolls room.

"It's your bedtime Brahms, come on."

Like a shy puppy, he followed quickly behind, shuffling his feet against the carpet.

They eventually got to his room and she tucked him into bed. She knew what she has to do, after all, it's just like with the doll right? Greta couldn't help but still be nervous, she watched this man murder and hurt someone. She knows he killed a girl ans set the manor on fire.

But still, he didn't seem to understand, as if he had the mental state of a child still. The woman somewhat remembers something along those lines but tends the the boy at hand.

As she finishes, Greta hears a tiny,
She hesitates. The mask is disgusting. It's grimy and sweaty but he looks so expectant.

"No kiss tonight, see it as a punishment."
Greta soon realised this was a mistake. He grabbed her wrist harshly, almost bruising as he repeated himself.

Uncertainty grew in her mind but she complied, kissing his forehead and whispering goodnight.

He slowly closer his eyes and within 10 seconds, he was asleep.

Greta let out a sigh of relief and was about to walk to Malcolm when she remembered something. She tip-toed to her room and grabbed her phone from the draw then went off to tend to Malcolm.


As the nurses rushed Malcolm to a ward, Greta decided to take the opportunity to use her phone and the brand new mobile data. She originally wanted to contact her sister, but something came to her.

There's something more to Brahms, Greta realised. He sounded like a child, he obeyed her and acted as a small boy. So whilst waiting for the news of Malcolm, she searched up what could've happened, knowing she recognised something about him.

Eventually she got her answer and drove back to the manor, ready to face Brahms if he were to be awake.

As she expected, he was sat Criss cross on the floor behind the door. Look unreadable under the mask.

"You left."

The American flinched, but held out her hand anyway to help him up.

"I know, I was going to tell you in the morning. I wanted to take Malcolm to the Hospital first, but I have a question for you."

"No questions yet, you aren't supposed to leave me."

" I know, and I won't anymore I promise"

Brahms took this into consideration, and eventually deciding it was the truth.
Coldly, he demanded;
" What's the question."

She took a second to respond, but it seemed to shock the man.
"How-, how old are you right now?"

She said it so sweetly and it seemed to suprise Brahms as his eyes widened, he started to look nervous and shyly played with the sleeves of his cardigan.

He mumbled an answer, but Greta didn't catch it. So she asked again.

He looked at her eyes then down again, and clearer he repeated,
Just as she researched, he was a little but after apparently killing a young girl, causing a fire and having being babied by his parents and hiding in the walls for 20 years, you'd collect a bingo card of trauma and need a way to cope. And hearing his childish voice only helped let the woman know.

"Such a big boy right now aren't you?!"
Greta said with such emphasis and enthusiasm that Brahms looked at her, eyes wide, until he smiled and bounced on his toes, giggling and nodding.

"I'm big, I'm big!"

Greta smiled and sighed in relief that her research paid off, even if it was a meer 10 minutes.

She took the littles hand and guided him back to bed, repeating the routine once again, but happier and calmer.

Brahms settled instantly, calm and didn't even have to demand for his 10th rule as Greta got straight to it, and kissed his nose.

"Goodnight Brahmsy, sleep tight okay? I'm making pancakes in the morning. Just for you."

He drifted off slowly, but genuinely this time.

Greta waited a while longer, stroking his dusty, greasy hair until walking through the tunnel to her room and eventually settling back down and reading the time.

2:43 am

She has enough time to sleep before waking up and starting a new life with this little boy. And maybe even find a way to invite him back into society.

But under her excitement, fear and uncertainties lingered like a bad smell. She knows what he can do. She saw the doll. And she's worried for Malcolm.

And she has a body to clean up soon

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