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When Brahms sat up his eyes stung and his head ached. He felt a hand on his back rubbing in circles and relaxed into it, not seeing Greta coo at his action, as he dragged himself awake. His mind was fuzzy and all he wanted was to be held and smothered in love. He didn't want to do chores, get dressed, speak, feed himself or anything. He simply wished to be pampered.

Greta was internally screaming as Brahms rubbed his eyes and yawned. He was just so adorable. So when he finally stopped moving and waking himself up she laid a small kiss on the side of his forehead, still maskless, and he looked up at her with those adorable eyes with sleep still lingering. She motioned towards the sofa and helped him stand and sat him on it. She had intended to go get him his new bottle of milk and his pajamas, but he grabbed her wrist and pulled her into his lap. Holding her like a teddy. It would be adorable and she'd stay if it wasn't for the fact that he was still soaking wet.

"Brahmsy, you need to let me get a towel and pajamas. Then we can cuddle okay?"

But all she got back was a few blabbers and baby talk. So she tried to move, only to be held down tight to him. They stayed like that until he fell asleep again, and she made her move. As to not wake him, Greta moved slowly and quietly, and went straight towards the small pile she had waiting for him.

Once she got all she needed she went back to the sleeping man and decided to dry him and dress him now rather then wake him up. So she took off his shirt and started drying him, then slipped on his pj shirt. Taking a deep breath she did the same for his bottom half, leaving his boxers alone for now, drying him and giving him his nice dry pjs. This started to make him stir awake again the moment she finished so when he did Greta let him rest his head on her shoulder and held him as if he was a small baby but only fitting his shoulders and chest.

In this time she also grabbed the bottle and when his sleepy eyes saw it he smiled and started drinking. Greta decided it'd be fruitless to try get him to talk at this point and just wanted to care for her boy.

And so for the day, Greta looked after Brahms, feeding him and helping him wherever he needed it and both decided to ignore the lessons today. They just wanted to relax after such an adventure earlier.

"I'm so proud of you for going outside, I'm so very very proud of you."

Brahms tired eyes widened as his face got flush and he hid his face in Greta's shirt. A small string of babble fell out of his mouth and Greta decided to just rock him softly, letting him drink from the bottle every now and again.

Even if she had to live the rest of her life like this, Greta thought, She'd be happy. She decided there and then to look after brahms permanently. Even when he was less then helpful to watch.

Her life was good.
Hey I'm sorry this one is short but I wanted to end this on a cute note. This is my first fic in like 5 years so please give me feedback! I know I have a lot of typos tho cause I write theses really late at night so I'm very sorry.

This is also on ao3 under the same title Young and scared

Thank you for reading!!

Young and Scaredحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن