Ranks: Cats

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Grand Royal: The leader of the Clan. Their word is law and final. They have the final say as to what goes on within their Clan and territory. They are powerful cats that are to be respected and feared. This rank is passed on to whoever the current Grand Royal sees fit. Furthermore, they are often picked to become leaders through a series of tests during apprentices. Must be born into the Royal rank to become a Grand Royal apprentice. Have nine lives.

Grand Royal Apprentices: The next in line for becoming the Grand Royal; these cats are directly trained and challenged by the Grand Royal themselves. Apprentices are chosen carefully amongst a litter of Royals, the ones that are chosen usually hold the most promise. Alongside the Grand Royal, three Royals are specifically chosen to help train the apprentices, putting them through many tests and trials that will knock them out aside from one. When there is only one remaining, that cat will become the next Grand Royal once the current one dies.

Medicine Cat: Not fitting anywhere in the hierarchy of the Clans, Medicine Cats are the exception to many rules. For example; a Medicine Cat is able to order anyone around if, of course, it is for the benefit of that individual's health. The Leader often consults the Medicine Cat before making a decision, so these ranked individuals are known for being some of the wisest of the Clans.

Royals: Making up a majority of the High Ranks, Royals are some of the best warriors in the Clan, and are usually a last resort in battles. It is said that Royals are only allowed to have mates with other Royals, this is meant to "purify" the next litter. The amount of kits each Royal she-cat is allowed to have is two per litter, any more than that are killed, abandoned, or moved down to the rank of a Noble. A cat can only be born in this rank, no one can rise to it. There is often one cat known as the lead Royal, the strongest out of the Royals and could even challenge the Grand Royal for leadership of the Clan if they wish; a cat to be respected and greatly feared.

Nobles: The last of the High Ranks, Nobles are said to be the second-best fighters in the Clan. Most Medicine Cats come from the rank of Nobles, with a few exceptions throughout the history of the clans. Noble Queens have the option of adopting a Royal kit, one that wasn't chosen to remain a Royal for a multitude of reasons. These Queens take pride in the Royal kit, raising them more pampered than their own kits. The amount of kits a Noble Queen can have is three, with the remaining ones either being killed, abandoned, or moved down to the rank of Artisan. Very are rarely Noble kits chosen to become a Grand Royal Apprentice, but it has happened before. Nobles do not have the option of becoming a Royal, but instead, they are at risk of becoming a lower rank. Noble is the highest rank someone can rise to through a series of tests and challenges.

Gallants: The only Middle Rank Tier, Gallants are known to have purer blood than Commoners/Peasants/Civvies, but impure enough to be below Nobles. Some are lucky and skilled enough to become Medicine Cats. Gallant Queens are able to adopt Noble kits. Unlike the Nobles, most of the Gallant Queens treat their kits equally. Some are allowed to become Nobles, but most of them remain as Gallants. A large majority of Gallants are those that came from the rank below them. Gallant Queens can only have three kits.

Commoners/Peasants/Civvies: Making up a majority of the Low Tier, they are known for being weak in battle overall. Every cat within this rank can have the opportunity to become a higher rank, but run the risk of becoming Slaves instead. A majority of a Clan's fighting group comes from them, which are sent out first in large numbers before Nobles and Royals join in. They are the Omegas of the Clans, often treated with no respect and abused and beaten by those higher in rank than them.

Slaves: Unlucky cats from every rank have the risk of becoming a Slave. Servants only follow orders from their master, a high-ranked individual. They are forced to do anything their master tells them, and disobeying their order is a sign of treason and is punishable by death or banishment. Servants are not allowed to have kits, and any that do are immediately killed. They can have battle and hunting training as well, so they can defend themselves and hunt for their Clan.

Prisoners: Captured enemies of the Clans, most Nobles and Royals enjoy watching the Prisoners fight to the death for their freedom. While this is frowned down upon, it is not against the rules. If the Leader allows it, Prisoners are forced to fight one another. Prisoners are mostly rogues or loners that wandered into Clan territory, very few are cats from other Clans. Leaders are the only ones allowed to set prisoners free, and they are the only ones allowed to call for the execution of a Prisoner. Clan cats become Prisoners by either attempting to rebel against the Grand Royal or by being captured by another Clan.

Cripple: A cat who is disabled or injured beyond being able to fight properly without something holding them back. Seen as weak and useless in cats' eyes, and are shunned and treated lesser than the ground walked on. Even more hated than Commoners/Peasants/Civvies. Often cased off or flat out killed by their own Clanmates.

Or this other rank set, not sure which I want to go with yet, but I'll figure that out and remove one of them once I do.

Chief: They are the leader of the Clan. Their word is law, and they have the final say as to what goes on within their Clan and territory. They are powerful cats that are to be respected and feared. Chiefs are the strongest cats within the Clan, taking charge when needed, leading their warriors into battle, and making sure everything is running well within their Clan and territory. They assign patrols, name new warriors, apprentices, or deputies, and let every cat know who's going to a gathering when one shows itself every full moon. They take part in hunts and fights and involve themselves as much as they can with their Clan.

Deputy: The second-in-command of the Clan. They enforce the law and carry out orders straight from their leader, helping with patrols and making sure things go well within the Clan. When the leader dies, then they take the chief position and lead the Clan. This position cannot be challenged without the alpha approval. Should the deputy die, the chief will make another cat deputy to replace the old one. They take part in hunts and fights and involve themselves as much as they can with their Clan.

Medicine Cat: They're in charge of taking care of sick or injured cats within their Clan and out of it should the situation call for it. Medicine Cats are able to order anyone around if, of course, it is for the benefit of that individual's health. The chief often consults the Medicine Cat before making a decision, so these ranked individuals are known for being some of the wisest of the Clans. Medicine Cats are required to have some battle training, so they can defend themselves should they have to. Medicine cat apprentices normally train longer than warrior ones and will continue to be one even after they get their full name until their mentor passes on.

Warriors: These cats are the fighters within their Clan, very skilled and deadly felines that are greatly respected within their Clan. Their job is to protect their home with their very lives. They patrol the territory looking out for any threats or danger that might cause harm, attacking without mercy if they must. They train apprentices, should they be given one, and help them learn the ways of being a warrior and making them the best fighter they can be. They are also hunters, gathering prey for the Clan to eat when not doing battle with another Clan or other danger that shows itself.

Apprentices: Apprentices are cats that are six moons old or older that are training to become a warrior or medicine cat. These young cats are given a mentor in the warrior rank or medicine cat rank to train them and teach them all that they know and make them the best fighter, hunter, or healer they can be. The chief is the one to appoint warriors to the apprentices, but sometimes, the deputy or even the chief will become an apprentice's mentor.

Queens: She-cats who have or going to have kittens. They stay in the nursery with their kittens until they're old enough to become apprentices, then they return to their normally duties. That's not always the case however, as some she-cats wish to stay within the Queen role, helping new she-cats with their young, be it aiding through giving birth or simply watching over the kittens while the mother takes a break or wishes to return to her duties sooner.

Elders: The elders of the Clan and are filled with wisdom and renowned strength, often young ones turn to when in need of guidance or aid. They are respected by the entire Clan. Not all cats within the rank are old, however, some could have had to retire early due to an injury or illness that left them unable to continue their duties in whatever rank they were in.

Kittens: Kittens are young cats that are too young to begin their training to become a warrior or medicine cat. They're 0-6 moons old and will stay in the nursery until they're old enough to be apprenticed. They're often looked after by their mother or another she-cat that's had kittens of her own until they big enough to move on.

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