Ranks: Wolves

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Alpha: The alpha of the pack is the leader. He/She is the main one in control and sets the laws of his/her pack. They are not required to hunt with the pack, but most normally do. They demand respect and are in the position to exile, banish, or even kill those who do not show it. Though it is rare, this position can be challenged and if the challenger wins the fight then the challenger, being the new alpha, can do what he/she pleases with the previous leaders. This does not normally happen because it would result in a huge change within the pack.

Beta: The Beta is the second in command and enforces the law when the current alpha is not present. If both of the alpha die, then the beta(s) take the alpha position and lead the pack, unless the alpha has said otherwise. This position cannot be challenged without the alpha approval.

Healer: The Healer is the medic within the Pack. Their job is to take care of any sick or injured wolf, nurse them back to health. These wolves have high knowledge in herbs and other medicine. No one can deny a Healer, and even the Alpha has to order their orders.

Assassins: Assassin is the most fitting name for this rank because it is self-explanatory. They are also spies for the pack. There can be a total of only three assassins in each pack.

Warriors: They are the guardians and protectors of the pack. The warriors will roam the pack lands, ensuring its safety. They are the ones that will keep watch at night. The warriors must be quick to think and remain calm in any given situation. The lead warrior takes his/her orders directly from the alpha, and sometimes the beta. They are the main leader, general, or captain of the warriors in the pack.

Hunters: Like the warriors, the amount of hunters depends on the size of the pack. Every member of the pack hunts, but these are the main hunters. The lead hunter is the one who leads the hunts. There is only one lead hunter. Whoever becomes a hunter must be quick to think as well.

Scouts: The scouts are the scavengers of the pack. They will hunt small creatures and scavenge for food, and will help survey the land with the warriors. The lead scout is the leader of the scouts.

Pup Watchers: These are the pup sitters of the pack. They will keep watch over the pups when the others may be out hunting or at battle. Don't be fooled into thinking that they are weak and soft. On the contrary, the pup watchers can be the most vicious members of the pack, as long as you don't mess with their pups. There is only up to about three pup watchers in a pack, regardless of the size.

Members: These are the non-ranked members of the pack. They will still participate in fighting and hunting, though. Often placed here until the alpha can give them a proper rank based on their skill.

Omega: The omegas are the lowest of low in the pack, lower than non-ranked members. Don't be surprised if they don't receive much respect, if any at all. They are only placed in this position if they've done anything to disrespect the alpha. Sometimes a new member may be placed with this rank if the alpha is a bit mistrustful of them.

Pups: Pups are the youngest wolves in the pack, and become trainees or earn a different rank when old enough or when the Alpha decides. Pups are usually given birth to the alpha female wolf or adopted by the beta female because of hormones for milk making.

Elders: The elders of the pack and are filled with wisdom and renowned strength. They are the ones that the alphas normally go to for advice. If they are wise, the elders are the only ones to whom the alphas may submit themselves to. They are respected as much as the alphas by the entire pack.

Prisoners: Those taken captive by a pack. They are kept watch over and guarded at all times, making sure they don't escape from their prison. They are often treated horribly, with very little food or water. Often put against one another to fight for their freedom, and even then, it's only a slim chance of that happening. They could very well be lied to and put back into the Prisoner's Den, or killed then and there. Alphas are the only ones allowed to set prisoners free, and they are the only ones allowed to call for the execution of a Prisoner. Pack wolves become Prisoners by either attempting to rebel against the Alpha or being captured by another Pack.

Slaves: Captured cats that are forced to become slaves to a wolf. Slaves only follow orders from their master, a high-ranked individual. They are forced to do anything their master tells them, and

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2021 ⏰

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