Writing snippet

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I know this is supposed to be an "art book" but life is full of disappointments. Oikawa's birthday was yesterday and I don't have my iPad with me (I'm on vacation) to draw so here is a excerpt of a oneshot I've been working on for like... 5 months lmao. I really like it I've just had no motivation to write but I thought I might as well post it because... I can??

Anyway here is one section of an unfinished Iwaoi oneshot ayyy:

Third Person POV

If you asked Iwaizumi, today, to picture a world without Oikawa, he simply couldn't do it. It felt like forever since he'd known a life without him. Their existences had remained entirely intertwined for as long as he could remember.

However, if you asked Iwaizumi to recall the day he and Oikawa met, he could do it in a heartbeat. You don't often forget the day that goes on to shape your entire life.

As a young child, Iwaizumi wasn't easily prone to making friends. He was standoff-ish and generally kept to himself. And anyway, it wasn't like many of the kids in his preschool class piqued his interest. They were all quite loud and much too rowdy for his liking. Iwaizumi enjoyed the quiet. He enjoyed the sounds that emerged in the quiet- a rustling of leaves, the lulling hum of a generator, the whisper of a steady breath. He was different from his peers in that sense. None of them bothered to stop and listen; none of them seemed to want to. For everyone else, the world was a whirlwind, ticking off days like a line of falling dominos. For Iwaizumi, he found contemptment in taking his time.

Though, this persistent lack of friendship was flipped on its head the moment Oikawa Tooru joined Iwaizumi's kindergarten class. At first glance, the boy was like all of the others- maybe worse. It became clear right off the bat that he was a magnet of attention, attracting a large following in a remarkably short amount of time. The boys wanted to be his friend and the girls wanted nothing more than to hold his hand. Even in his youth, Oikawa was blessed with windswept hair and a devilish charm that made everyone else love him and Iwaizumi detest him. There was always a bubbling undercurrent of annoyance when he saw those big, brown eyes and stupidly perfect smile.

It was on a very rainy day, when the class had been dammed to the confines of indoor recess, that Oikawa acknowledged Iwaizumi for the first time. Oikawa, as per usual, had amassed a gaggle of peers, forming an impenetrable circle around him. Iwaizumi looked on, shoving a twinge of longing to the depths of his brain. He could so easily join them, he just... didn't. So he simply resorted to gazing from the sidelines, twiddling his fingers as if doing so might bring him a hint of amusement (it didn't).

Oikawa, the tiny bastard, was observant. When he had caused the group in front of him to double over in laughter from some silly remark he'd made, he caught a glimpse of spiky, brown hair and sharp, dark green eyes. The boy smiled lopsidedly and waved. Iwaizumi narrowed his eyes in a glare in a futile attempt to direct the attention away from his cherry-red cheeks. He bowed his head and went back idly fidgeting with his hands. Oikawa giggled at the bizarre display, his brown locks bouncing softly. Iwaizumi dared to sneak another glance and was just a little disappointed that Oikawa had already redirected his attention to someone else. However, unbeknownst to him, he hadn't been the only one of the two to steal a last glance.

Their second encounter happened on a Friday after school. Fall had come to a close and a cold Winter was blowing its way through the city. The air was cold and crisp, allowing for little Iwaizumi to see the warm plumes of breath leaving Oikawa's mouth as he stood against a tree, shivering, waiting to be picked up by his mom. He claims that he accidentally forgot his coat in the car that morning but really he just didn't want it to cover up his new alien shirt that he was oh-so proud of. In hindsight, maybe the shirt could have debuted in warmer weather.

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