Chapter 2 (School.)

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(End of flashback.)


It was September 12th, 1993. Another sunny morning in Philadelphia, and you sat up on your bed, waking up. Last night, you dreamed of finally going to see your favorite rock band, Bon Jovi. Henri and James were with you, and the three of you were rocking out! But, the dream unfortunately passed by real quick. You've always wanted to go see their concert, but you couldn't afford it. 

Two minutes after waking up, you went downstairs and saw your Dad watching the news, as always, sipping his cup of coffee. You went over to the kitchen counter, and toasted a bagel and later spread salted butter over it. You'd always eat that right after waking up, therefore you love bread. But, not as much as Pistachio flavored Macarons!

After getting ready, you made a Passion Fruit Smoothie and rode your bike towards Oak Street High School. You actually enjoyed the first days of the High school, and your best friend, Henri, was in your classes, thankfully. You were both Freshmen, so you two didn't know all about the place whatsoever. You entered the school, and the "Popular Girls" were hanging out on the benches with their Starbucks beverages. There was Kathleen, Brittany, and, the top dog, Judy. They were all Juniors, and were wearing Lavender, just like when you first saw them on the first day of school. Must be their favorite color, you wondered.  You tried walking past them, but Brittany and Kathleen were confronting you.

" YOU'RE the new girl..." Kathleen said.

"Hmm..what is that you're holding there..?" Brittany grabbed your smoothie, and intentionally spilt it all over your shirt and jeans. "Oops! My bad."

You were embarrassed as there was a huge stain on your lap, and some girls were laughing, and they were thinking that you wet your jeans.

"What's your problem. Why won't you just mind your business?" Henri walked from the Men's room and approached Brittany, and whispered,

"If you keep on messing with her, I'll let you suffer the consequences. I'll make sure the consequences will keep you rather a far distance from her."

"Yeah, in your dreams Mr. Know-it-all," she replied.

"Later, you'll see the real me..." he said. "Anyway, Y/N shouldn't we be heading to class?"

"Uh..yeah!" You responded. 

You and Henri walked away from them, and before you went to Biology, you went to the bathroom to change your clothes. You always brought a pair when after you showered from PE, and might've wet your clothes when you walk out of the shower, and water drips on them. Then, you left and went to Biology and sat beside Henri, because you always felt comfortable with him. 

-After Class-

You walked out talking to Henri, and you suddenly bumped into Judy, the "Popular Girl." 

"Watch it, klutz," said the snobbish girl.

"Y/N, how about you get to your locker, and get your books for Home Economics?" Henri told you.

"Uh..alright.." You walked to your locker to get your book, and was early to your class. Henri walked to class with a small, barely noticeable devious smirk on his face. He always keeps secrets.

Brittany and Kathleen were skipping class, giving Henri an opportunity to strike. 

"Mr. Willow, could I use the restroom?" he politely asked.

"Yes, but please make it quick," he responded.

Henri grabbed a hall pass, left the classroom, and walked towards the two girls, and told them to follow him. They denied at first, but he convinced them to follow him, and several minutes later, Henri came back with a pleasant look on his face. 

"I'm back," he said smiling.

You had the feeling that he actually wasn't using the bathroom, and was doing something else, because you saw him through the class window that he was walking with the two girls. You were a little jealous, because you had a crush on him, but was really confident about it. But he could've went to the other side of the school and went to that bathroom, but there was already a bathroom in front of the window, so you were planning on asking him at lunch.

-At Lunch-

"Hey, Henri?" You looked at him.

"Yes, mon amie?" he responded.

"What were you doing outside of the classroom?"

"I was using the bathroom. Didn't you hear me ask?" he responded.

"Well, I saw you talking to those girls, and you went somewhere with them, so what were you doing?" You questioned.

"Oh, I just wanted to tell them to go back to their class, and I went to the other side of the school, and I followed them to Mathematics. Then, I used the restroom right next to the staff room," he answered. "I was just helping, that's all."

"Oh!" Your face lightened up at his response, and was thinking that he wasn't doing anything bad, or anything. You did think before, that he was having a 'chat' with them. You get jealous when he gets around other chicks. You were crushing on him after all. 


I wonder what she was thinking. I would never do anything mean behind her back, that would make me such a scumbag. And someday, I'll take her to that Bon Jovi concert. 

I don't want to disappoint her.

I won't disappoint her.

I'll never disappoint her.


You walked out the building after school ended. There's homework you have based on trigonometry, which you think is extremely complicated. You wanted to study with Henri, because he got all A's in your AP Math Class, so you felt like you'd understand if he'd spend time studying with you. You were looking for him, looking around the outside of the building.

"Henri, where are you?!" You looked everywhere.

"Bonjour.." he was behind you all along.

"AH! I was looking for you!"

"And why is that?" he replied.

"I wanted to ask can study with me-!" you said, shyly.

"Of course, you're my best friend...aren't you?" he responded.

"I am, and thank you! I'd like to go to your house, please?" you asked.

"Alright, my house is just down the street," You and him walked towards his big neighborhood, and was lead to his property. You never realized, but he was holding your hand the whole time. He's as sly as a fox, as some people said when you and him were growing up.

(To be continued..)

You're my Happiness... (Yandere Henri x Reader 90's AU)Where stories live. Discover now