Then and there

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I guess you could say I have had it good , I've had family who've watched over me . I've had friends who genuinely care about me . But I guess you could say , actually you should say I was a horrible person before I found the one they refer to as Jesus of Nazareth. I was doing everything I wanted to do , I thought I was happy but the truth was that I wasn't , and that I was questioning my identity as a human being. There's a lot of people in this phase in the world , living in constant self seeking, self gratifying , indulgence . But it's never enough , it's always never enough and I knew this . I always tried to be a "good" person even though there's no such thing (just read Romans or literally any of the gospels). I've always assumed that God wanted me to behave good . But deep down I knew it wasn't enough . Eventually I met someone and we dated for a bit, and this person was a fully born again Christian, and she incentivized me reading the Bible . From there I started putting the pieces together that there was someone greater, and a greater reason for existing His name is Jesus Christ, conquerer of sin and death and the triumphant savior who came into this world to save people from the cancer known as sin. I wasn't ready yet to simply give up my ways , my wicked and sinful ways.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2021 ⏰

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