Chapther 18

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You woke up. To your phone ringing. You looked at your phone to see who was calling you and you saw it was one of your best friend from Denmark. You decided to take the phone.


"Omg hey gurll" your friend Sara said

"Hey gurll" you said and smiled

"Jeg savnet dig så meget" Sara said
Translate to English
"Im missed you so much"

"Jeg har også savnet dig"
"I missed you too"

"Hvornår kommer du til Danmark igen" she asked with a sad pouted face

"When are you coming back to denmark again?"

"Arrrr det ved jeg ikk... snart håber jeg." You said

"Arreg i dont know... soon I hope"

And you looked at what the time was
When you saw it was 5AM

"Wtf girl har du virkelig vækket mig op klokken 5 om morgen!" You said all suprised and mad

"Wft girl have you really woke me up at 5 am!"

"Sorry glemte lige der var så mange timer i mellem os" Sara said

(Btw it was 2pm in denmark)

"Sorry just forgot there were so many hours between us"

"Det okay" you said gave her a smile through the phone

"That's okay"

"Men jeg er nød til at gå kommer snart forsent på arbejde" Sara said

"But I need to go I'm gonna be late for work soon"

"Selfølgelig gør du det" you said

"Of course you do"

"Men vi ses og savner dig" Sara said

"But see you and miss you"

"Savner også dig" you said

"Miss you too"

"Elsker dig" you said

"Love you"

"Elsker også dig" Sara said

"Love you too"

"Byeeee" you said and blow a kiss and she did the same.

god im tried. You said In your mind. And went to sleep again.

Then you felt some cold water on your face. Your opened your eyes immediately and saw Dixie pouring cold water.

"Okay okay I'm up" you said

"Finally" she said

You guys went down stairs and ate breakfast. You heard your phone vibrate. So you took it to see who had wrote a message to you

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