~Only a child~

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Something he can do very well, he was good at running, but it was never enough

They always cought up. 


Something he can also do very well, he was good at hiding, but it was never enough

They always found him

He was cornered, cornered by them, it wasn't unusual to him, he was used to this, but he was a child, he was scared. 7, that is how old he is, only a child, but has suffered more than a war veteran. Hurtful words came from them as they tortured him.




Waste of space

Those words were no surprise to him, he has come quite used to them, but they still hurt, for he was only a child.' What did I do to deserve this?' The question that is always on his mind, he didn't have an answer,.... he didn't know. He was hurt, physically and mentally, he was sad, but he could never be mad, for he knew there was a reason their hatred was directed towards him. They had stabbed, cut and kicked him till' he was unconscious.

He woke up, in the same ally he was in before he was tortured in, but he didn't mind, as long as the villagers were happy. Not to his surprise he was already healed, leaving only scars, he had an abnormally fast healing rate, but he never questioned it. He stood up, with little struggle, and dragged himself all the way home. Opening his door he dragged himself in, shutting the door he sat down, think, that's what he's usually found himself doing these days, he's stressed out, all the abuse and harsh words were not something he'd like to live through every day, it hurt, after all he's only a child. He walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, he stared deep into his own soul, there was clear love for this village, he loved this village to death, for it is not the villages fault that the people that live in it are the way they are. If you were to say you hated the village, he would not hesitate to ignore you, for he is to kind hearted to hurt you, but if you were to say you hated the people of the village that would be different, but he still could not find it in him to hate the villagers. He sighed, he knew what he had to do, it was something he deeply wished would never come true, but he has no choice. He then walked out the bathroom, if you looked closely you could see a shattered mirror.

He walked over and sat at his desk. Leave, he wanted to leave, not forever of course, but he needed a break. He has 2 people that would be sad if he left, his grandfather, not by blood, but was the closest thing he had to one, he was usually working, being the hokage takes work and time, so they didn't spend much time together, maybe he would be sad. He has 1 other person, his bestfriend, they usually hang out at his bestfriends house and played games. He spent 80% of the time with his bestfriend, they were inseparable, maybe he would be sad.

He decided to write a letter to both of them. He made sure they knew that he would come back, and that he would miss them. He wished he didn't have to leave, but he needed a break, or he would break, for he was only a child. He sighed, he closed the envelope to both letters and packed his necessary things, food, water, clothes, scrolls, sealing paper, sealing ink, kunai, shuriken, money and a photo of him, his bestfriend and the hokage. He stared at the picture, a single tear drop fell onto the glass, he shoved the picture in his bag. He walked over to his closet, he grabbed an all black outfit which consisted of, black pants that cover his ankles, a plain black shirt and a black cloak. He slipped on the clothes, he liked these clothes, they were more his style. He grabbed the two envelopes on his desk and walked out the door. It was around 2 in the morning, so no one was out, he started making his way to the hokage tower.

He slipped pass all the ANBU guards and made his way into the hokage's office, there right in front of him was the hokage, sleeping. He walked up to the hokage, and sat the note right in front of him, He stood there, staring, he didn't want to leave him, he wish he could stay, but he couldn't, a single tear fell from his face, then he was gone..

In front of a rather large house is where he stood, this was too hard, to leave his bestfriend, but he had to, he had no choice. With a shaky breath he stepped in the house, he walked down the long hallway, he stopped at a door labeled with his bestfriends name, he opened the door as quietly as possible. He looked at the sleeping figure, he felt a pang where his heart should be, he didn't want to leave him, never, but.. he had no choice. He sat the envelope on his bestfriends dresser, he looked at his bestfriend, why, why did he have to leave him, the most important person to him, he was leaving them all alone, his bestfriend had no one else other than him, his clan is dead, he has no family, and now he was leaving him. He felt a wave of pain rush through him, he didn't want to leave him behind, he started crying silent tears, there was no turning back, he walked up to the sleeping male and moved his hair from his forehead, and kissed him, tear drops fell on to the cheek of his sleeping bestfriend, and in the blink of an eye he was gone.

He was heading towards the entrance gates, memory's playing in his head, all the good times he's had with his bestfriend and the hokage, he didn't want to, but he had to. He stood right up under the village gates, he looked back, his eyes still red and puffy, since as of right now he was crying. He thought about how his life could have been better, maybe he could have changed the outcome of this. If he would have held on a little longer would things get better? Would the villagers stop hating him if he held on a bit longer..? It hurt too much to think, he couldn't bear the pain. He knew he would be back he swore on it, he loved this village, for the village was not at fault, it was the villagers. He turned away and walked out the village. Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze has left the village.

He was a few hours away when he broke down, the pain was too much to handle..

after all

He's only a child..

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