Sasuke Uchiha

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Haha, heres the next chap sorry for taking so long.

(Sasuke pov)

I woke up at 6am to my annoying alarm, ugh I have to get ready for the academy.

I sigh as I roll out of bed and head to the bathroom, I have a bad feeling in my chest, but I'm sure it will go away when I see Naruto. 

After a shower and brushing my teeth I'm about to walk out my room door when I see a scroll on my dresser, how did I not notice this before. I walk over to the dresser and pick up the scroll, the front of the scroll says "From Naruto, To Sas-uke" well its definitely from Naruto with that stupid name he calls me. I wonder why he left a scroll on my dresser, wait- how did he get in my house-- did he sneak in, in the middle of the night-- why couldn't he just tell me at school-? Well, I guess I'm about to find out, here goes nothing.

The letter

Hello sasuke it's me Naruto, what I'm about to tell you is not good... as you know I am not super hyperactive and happy as I make myself out to be, I never told you the reason for my mask.

'Huh... he never did tell me did he.' I thought as I continued to read the letter

The villagers beat me constantly.

'H-huh? They what.' I thought as my anger rose, why would the villagers do such a thing? Especially to someone as cute and sweet as him...

Yes, I know I should have told you sooner, but I did not want you to lash out on the villagers. On to the point, I left the village.

'W-what...?!?!?No..' I thought as tears flooded my vision.

I know you will be sad about it, but I promise I will return. I have one wish ffor you during my absence.

'What could he possibly want.' I thought as I was shaking with rage towards the villagers.

Do not. I repeat do not lay your hands on the villagers.

'W-WHAT-?! how does he expect me to do that?? they're the reason he left!' I thought while squeezing the letter

I know what you're probably thinking "how do you expect me to do this, they are the reason you left"


But please sasuke it's the one wish I ask of you.

'Tch... whatever.' 

I promise I will return, please just hold on. I love you...   ~Sincerely Uzumaki Naruto~

(3rd person)

Tear drops fell onto the letter as he read that last line.

I love you

"I-I love you to..." He said as his knees gave out and he started sobbing.

After about 20 minutes of sobbing, Sasuke got up and went to the bathroom to wipe his tears.

But when he saw his reflection, he stopped in his tracks.

"N-nani?!?" He said flabbergast

There he was his eyes a deep red with two timoes surrounding his pupils.

"Wh-WHAT?! h-how?? I'm not supposed to get my sharingan until I'm 12?" He yelled stumbling back.

"...but then again..." 

FLASHBACK 1 year ago (they are 6)

(Sasuke pov)

"UGH!" I yelled angrily. This training is getting me nowhere.

"What is your problem?" Asked a certain blue-eyed blond who was leaning against a tree reading a book. He thinks he's oh-so cool doesn't he-??

I sighed as a walked towards him. "No matter the amount of training, I STILL can't get this stupid sharingan." Naruto only looked at me with an inquisitive face. 

"Neh,neh don't you know??" He asked.

I stood up straight and stared at him. "Know what?"

"Well I thought you would know this, u ARE the famous 'last Uchiha' ya know?" he teased with the nickname I earned from the village.

"Oi! Just shut up and tell me already!"

"Ok, ok, well in this book i totally didn't steal from your clans secret library-" he was cut off

"You.what" I threatened

Completely ignoring my question, he continued "-It says that you can't unlock your sharingan until you go through the worst experience of your life before you turn 12, OR after you turn 12 you have to train for it"

"Eh? My family was killed in front of me- what the hell could be more traumatizing--?" I questioned.

"Eh- language. And why are you asking me- I'm not some sort of genius ya know!." He shot back.

"Hn." The truth is, Naruto is smarter than me by a long shot, he's also smarter than most adults. Which is impressive for a 6-year-old, but he has a long way to go before he can outsmart a skilled ninja.

"Yeah, yeah don't get your panties in a twist, c'mon ill cook dinner" he said as he started running towards the Uchiha compound.

"o-Oi!- Wait up!"


I stared in the mirror as I thought to myself, 'Is this really more traumatizing than losing my family?'. I thought'

"Damnit you Uzumaki, what exactly do you mean to me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2022 ⏰

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