The Deal

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It was always dark and cold atop the very foundations she had made for herself. It was always like that for the duration of her life. It's not like it bothered her...oh, she actually loved the ideas of it. The feeling of it was something she grew accustomed to, and anything greater would just make her feel too uncomfortable, too...unfulfilled. without that feeling of emptiness, she wouldn't feel nearly as high and as calculating as she was.

Salem calmly sits upon her end of the table as she looks to a small glass ball, it showing an airship carrying Cinder Fall to her destination in Vale to scope the place out while their little "business partner" Torchwick collects the dusts to hatch their master plans. She sighs and looks to it with an oddly bored expression. Despite the fact she was a master strategist, once her strategies were planned, it was a while to eventually get to the fun and interesting parts...but such was the way of life, as she had learned a long time ago.

Her expression shifts to professional acclaim once she hears her door open, and her most loyal of all servants walks into the room with their large, scorpion stinger swaying in the air. The man was...insane Is putting it lightly. She looks to him with that cool personality she had, and exhaled "...yes, Tyrian?"

The scorpion faunus had his hands rubbing together as he held a neutral yet irritated expression, but he would never hold contempt and dissatisfaction for her at all "...mistress...this upcoming mission...why couldn't I have taken it? You do realize Cinder is but fresh and weak meat...why if it wasn't for the maiden powers, I would say she would be nothing but Grimm-"

She holds her hand up as an altered expression came to it, her really not in the mood to hear Tyrian's 101 reasons why she should just let her dissolve in a pool of Grimm. "...need I remind you that my orders are that of someone who has much more experience than any man, woman, or child on this planet?" She asks with a tired looking face.

Tyrian slowly bows and nods his head rapidly "n-no! I understand, my mistress...this won't happen again..." he says with a respectful and fearful tone now. He soon slinks away from her room, leaving the woman once again alone and now a bit miffed.

He had always respected all of those who worked for her...unlike Ozma she at least knows how to use her pawns. They know everything they need to know, and know only what she needed to tell them. All Ozma knew how to do was lie about his her eyes, he was terrible at all he did.

As she sat there, the silence felt..deafening now. At this point Tyrian's words of energetic and psychotic idealisms would have been more entertaining than the silence. Yet she had grew accustomed to it. It at least gives her time to reflect on the choices that she had chosen to get to this point. To the point of being a true force to be reckoned with. She smiles a bit, knowing that nothing would change drastically and that her plans would go according to what she wanted...

But then it felt as though the air felt...stark and colder than usual. Normally most would just say it's the wind..but in her immortal life and had never felt this sort of feeling of cold emptiness. Her expression changed to soft intrigue and curiosity as she slowly got up from her seat "...odd." is all she mumbled before slowly approaching the window and looking out it.

She suddenly freezes at the sight of what she saw.

Outside were two of her Griffins...but they weren't soaring in the air in search of prey or they were stuck there as if time had stopped. She slowly looks out her window to find more and more Grimm had been frozen in place. She angrily looks around in a fit of panic

Her eyes widen more as she slowly backs up to the wall.

Before her sat two figures at her table. While they were human sized at the moment, she knew the two could at any point grow taller and larger than she ever could be, her own terror killing her heart at the mere thought of it.

Before her were the supposed gods of this realm. The same ones that gave her the curse of immortality. The same ones that made Ozma, her beloved, turn against her. The same ones that made her who she was.

She angrily inflamed however as she stared them down " shouldn't be here." She simply says in a dark tone.

The brother of light soon nods "...we know that. But we have come to make offer perhaps."

Salem slams her hands against the table "and for what?! To pin me to a void where I shall never be seen again? To let the world have peace while I lay eternally abandoned in the hell you placed me in, all because I couldn't have a beloved person back?!"

The dark brother chuckled rudely "...I knew we should have just let her have probably would have ended on a better end, hm brother?"

"...and let the chaos you crave reign supreme as you break the foundations of life itself just for a single girl? You are sadly mistaken." The brother of light spoke as he looks back to Salem. " we come to offer you a deal that is much different than what you may think it that may interest you in the long run..."

Salem let's out angered breaths. She wishes she could be strong enough to eradicate the two so this damned curse can be lifted...but no. She just had to play along at this point "...then you may tell me of this then..." she says with a tired expression.

The brother of light sits up more "...we have foreseen the consequences of future actions...and to say of your truths...the majority has you either successful in your endeavors...erasing all that is we created by our own hands to end this fate that befell you...or you fail by the hands of those you hate..." he says "...but we could end that cycle in a more humane way, if you so choose to take it."

Salem stared down the gods and soon fixed her hair "...pray do you might do such a thing?"

The brother of darkness sits up himself "...why, transference of the soul to a new vessel, of course." He says with a grin.

The brother of light soon nodded. "...yes...while we cannot create life or destroy it by our own hands...we can transfer you to a vessel and keep the cycle the same...while causing minor alterations to the current timeline. We are in a you a new chance and vision to see at life.".

Salem stared the two men down and bared he teeth "...what makes you think that I would allow such a thing to happen? For me to accept such a damned proposal? To give up all the power i-"

"That is the lose no power. That magic is tied to your'd essentially be keeping all that there is to keep...while having the new life and purpose to see to it what your attempting to destory." The brother of light interjects " is our ideas and theory that perhaps if you were to see what you were rejecting than...perhaps you may change a bit in the end. If you clearly don't wish for it, you shall return to your timeline with no memory of this...and the ending will be determined by the choices of those against you and those with you. And if you still don't change your kind by the end of the experiment...the same outcome will occur." He says.

Salem exhaled a bit and looked down to her lap. On one hand, this would be a tortuous endeavor...but on the other she loses nothing in the end. She experiences the life of what she was fighting against. Her mind was interested at the prospect.

" what will it be Salem?" The brothers said in unison.

Salem the HuntressOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora