A Robbery

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"....This is an awfully stuffy environment..."

The new form Salem was given was...well, fairly younger than her original form had during the time of her immortal ascension. Of course this wasn't meaning she felt comfortable in the slightest. She had to adjust to the form of a relatively average human size....one that was honestly sickening to use. She was used to being tall and imposing. She was used to being scarily intimidating...but now she felt like a child...which she technically was.

She was given a form suited to her attempts to gain access to any academy...mainly a 17 year old form. Though it had the perks of letting her keep her usual physique...it also meant that she looked weak. Well, others would be niave in believing a book by its cover. The gods assured her that her power and magic was intact, and that the form was merely an experiment or a test, as they put it. She really hated being used like some rat, but how else could she ensure her own safety over those gods that dare punish a woman in mourning? And the idea that she may fail even with all of her successes at the time would be demeaning...so a potential shot at a new ending was promising to her calm and collected mind.

But the downside to this form was, well...it retained her Grimm looks. As in...well, white pale skin, black and red eyes, silver hair and purple veins along her body. The gods assured her that Ozma would be contacted at that he would ensure not to attack on sight as even if she became a threat it wouldn't matter.

She exhaled as she wandered the streets of Vale in silence, it being dark and somewhat calming, despite the fact the city usually held crime. Her dark yet torn cloak remains over her body as she walks the corner to find herself in a place called 'From Dust Till' Dawn'

"...such curious humans..." she muttered under her breath with a chuckle before finding herself entering inside. She was considering paying for some dust with the Lien provided to her in her pockets, and she did jus that. She approached the cashier while hiding her face, calmly rapping the glass countertop with a gentle knock, gaining his attention "...please give me a mix of dusts please...and keep the change." She says with a calm voice as she hands the lien over.

In a sense this felt demeaning. In one time she may have just swooped in and killed the shopowner and anyone inside, then take the dust for herself and her plans...but she was given rules. Those rules were strict and even the slightest missteps would result in he returning to a world where she wouldn't remember a thing and her plans would potentially fall apart or mean nothing.

The man nods and soon finds himself gathering dust, him tapping and pointing to the magazine rack while he was busy loading her dust up in canisters. With a halfhearted nod, she turns her head only to find herself face to face with a red cloaked girl who looked distracted.
"....interesting..." she mumbled a bit as she walked towards her.

As Salem soon found herself standing next to her, she found herself not at all interested in any of the boring magazines, but rather the girl herself. She heard the sounds of music from her ears and realized they were coming from the girl and from an odd headset she rarely seen other than for when Mercury lost interest in things. She soon softly coughed but it seemed to no avail. She grunts a sigh as she gently shakes her shoulder.

The girl soon turns as she lowered her hood only to find she was a darkened haired girl with red ties flowing down her face, pale skin, and...

Silver eyes

For a moment, Salem's eyes widened in shock. There was no way she had met Summer Rose once more...she could have sworn that she dispatched of her and imprisoned her feel in her fortress...but then she remembered something...she muttered something about a daughter, correct? Well it was...odd. the daughter looked exactly like her.

Salem the HuntressWhere stories live. Discover now