Chapter 1

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"Where is it."

"I don't know."


A fist collided with the man's bloody jaw, knocking him to the ground. Three other men harshly pulled him up and held him in place for the fourth man.

"I swear, I don't know where the money is!"

"How the fuck would you not know where a million dollars is?!" Another punch was delivered to his gut.

"I–I promise! I only heard them talking about it. I don't know anything!"

The henchman ceased his actions to let the man speak. "Well if you heard them talking about it, you must know something."

The man fumbled over his words at his chance. "A–All I know is that t–they're moving it at midnight."

"To where."

"I–I don't know." The henchman scoffed before knocking the man's nose in. The man's screams echoed through the alleyway as the henchman continued his violent actions. But what the man failed to remember is that in this part of town, no one cares enough to aid another.

"Rogue, he's useless. I say we just waste him."

The man's eyes widened at this suggestion as the one named Rogue held up a gun to his head.

"No, NO PLE –"

The man's pleading words were cut off as the bullet pierced through his skull, echoing throughout the alleyway. Luckily for them, tonight was the fourth of July so no one would think twice about a gunshot.

"Come on guys, we better bring him back to the boss."

"Yeah. And get me a new suit while we're at it. You seriously couldn't've shot him so brains and blood wouldn't cover my suit?"

"Hey, at least this son of a bitch is dead now. Still leaves us with a problem though."

"Yeah, my suit!"

"Guys! Just shut up, will you? Someone could still spot us! And we've got to get back now!" the fourth henchman Dom exclaimed.

As if on cue, a sound was heard at the end of the alleyway, causing their heads to turn towards the source. And sure enough, they spotted the silhouette of a man before it darted away. Two of the four men chased after him while the other two got to work placing the body in a bag.

"You know what I hate about dead people Blade?"

The one named Blade sighed. "What Archer?"

"They are so goddamn fucking heavy! And make everything more difficult than it's supposed to be!"

"Just shut up and help me place him in this bag! My God you're annoying! And I don't wanna hear another word about your suit either!"

Archer huffed. "It's true though! My poor poor suit."

Blade looked up to the sky and sharply inhaled and exhaled in exasperation as if begging the Lord to give him strength to tolerate Archer's annoying antics. Finally, both men began stuffing the body in the bag as they waited for their comrades Rogue and Dom to return.


"Earlier, I know said I wanted death. I've changed my mind now, I wanna live!"

A million thoughts were racing through Michael's head as he sprinted down the roads, but the clearest of them all was "RUN!" So that's exactly what he did. He didn't even know where he was running to. All he knew was that it was away from them. Quickly, he ducked behind the corner of a building, desperately hoping those men would pass him.

As if on cue, the sound of shoes hitting asphalt intensified before fading away. Michael stood still as a statue, trying to discern if those men were coming back. After a few minutes had passed and the road was decidedly henchmen–free, he finally came out of his hiding spot with the determination to head home as quickly and quietly as he could.

"Hello there."

"Oh fuck."

Michael froze in his tracks as the two men from earlier appeared in front of him. Before he could react, they seized his arms and started dragging him back to the alleyway. He thrashed around, opening his mouth to scream for help until one of them pressed a gun against his head.

"If you even try to escape I'll kill you."

The two men dragged Michael back to the alleyway where they killed that other man and pushed him to the middle of the group.

"What should we do with this one Rogue?"

Rogue pondered over this question. Whatever his thought process was, Michael just hoped they'd spare his life.

"Of course they won't let you live dummy! You fucking saw them murder someone!"

"Let's bring him back with us."

"Rogue, are you su–"

"I'm more than sure Blade. Besides, we don't know if the boss wants him dead yet or not. So I say we bring him back."

The others finally agreed with his decision. Soon, Michael found himself blindfolded and gagged with a black bag over his head and handcuffs around his wrists. The men shoved him into the car before slamming the doors and taking off into the night. Scared for his life would be an understatement as to how he felt right now. All he hoped for was that this "boss" of theirs would have some mercy on him.

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