1-The New Secretary

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Being a CEO was tough. Handling the whole company. Plus having no supportive roof above your head. I am glad God gave me some friends tho. But still I am here, all cold to them.

"Yeseul! You need to hurry. We have to go."

There he was. One of my friend or brother Yoongi, Min Yoongi. He was with me since I was in high school. The orphanage I was living in took the custody of my studies till I was a adult. Yes I was an orphan. They said my parents died in a car accident.

Yoongi was the son of the owner of the cosmetic shop I worked as a part- timer. She was very generous lady. The position I am right now at, is because of her. She helped me to complete my studies in business. I treated her as my mom. My old surname was also Min and now it is the same. And now I am here, at the position of CEO in MY Cosmetics.

"Yah I really don't want to see who it is. I will miss my old secretary."

Today I was going to meet my new Secretary. The old one was going to shift from Seoul to Ilsan because her husband was transferred there. She was like a sister to me. Now she need to train the new one in one month.

"I don't know anything you are coming with me. And in no way you are going to disobey your brother, right?!"

There he once pulled the - elder brother - card. The new secretary was his close friend and that is why I was saying no to interview him. But guess what I have to.

"Okay! Okay! Lets go."

I said cleaning my table a little but. I glanced upward seeing that I am not getting a reply, the sight before me was not new to me. He was sleeping, yes Yoongi was sleeping. His back resting on the door frame, eyes closed.

"Yah! I heard you. No need to throw things on me."

He shouted as soon as I throwed a small paper ball on him. You deserve it bro!

"Sorry I thought there was a thrash bin. Or else why would I threw it on my brotherrr!!"

I may not seem to be cold. But from inside I am. Remembering the days of my life before high school, how was I treated by my classmates can make my blood boil at any moment. Lack of trust is why I am still cold.

"No no! 'Oppa' don't I will come there. See I am coming just don't hit me."

I said as he was coming towards me with a fake glare.

"Wah!! Now calling me oppa."

He muttered under his breath. But was enough for me to hear. Yoongi was very supportive and protective brother to me. Treats me like his own blood sister. Well our intials are also same tho. Which is the reason I gave that name to our company.



I am okay I can do that.

Nothing is going to go wrong.

It is Yoongi hyung's sister.

Yoongi hyung's sister?! Ohh...no... it means she will be like him. But he said he will be there when my interview will be going on. Please lord save me from the sass's of the Mins.

"You can do that hyung! Please just don't stutter after seeing her! Hehe..."

"Jungkook, you are supposed to support and comfort me. Why are you making me anxious?!"

Jungkook was also one of the co-worker at the Mins. He was a year younger than me, but I went to abroad for further studies after graduating while he started working here.

"Well what is the name of your boss? How is she. Is she pretty? Is she scary just like Yoongi hyung? Or...or is she one of the girls who would fangirl behind us in the high school?!"

I asked him but all the time he stared behind me. Eyes big. Mouth slightly open and then he gulped and looked at me and signaled me to stop.

"Will you speak or not!! Ughh..."

I stomped on the marble floor, causing sound which echoed in the hallway, but soon stopped when someone behind me cleared their throat. And saw Jungkook bowing slowly and running back towards the elevator and disappearing once it closed.

"Taehyungiee... am I that scary?!"

I am immediately shut my eyes. I knew this voice. Min Yoongi. As I was going to turn around another voice was heard.

"And I am neither of that, Mr. Kim Taehyung."

And finally I turned around eyes finding the ground more beautiful than ever. Swearing Jungkook for my upcoming misery. I saw the two pair of feets. The Min siblings.

As long as I remember Yoongi hyung didn't had any sister.

As I looked upwards I saw Yoongi hyung's expressionless face. Smiling sheepishly towards him I bowed slightly and came forward to give him a bro-hug, which he didn't respond.

What should I have expected!

My eyes shifting from the male towards the female, who cleared her throat the second time within five minutes. As soon as I met her eyes, I felt something in my stomach not butterflies but a type of shocked feeling.

"Min Yeseul...."

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