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Guzmas pov

It's been about half a year since I split up team skull. I stand outside the hotel on route 2. Taking in some fresh air while it rains. I hear a loud cry from a pokemon. I speed walk over to the ledge and look over seeing a woman laying face down In the sand.
A vaporeon!? WTF it seems to unevolve. Going back into the form of a eevee,and crying out again. Fuck. I sigh internally going around the hotel down to the beach.

I walk up to the girl eevee hides behind her. "Hey hey!" I reach down flipping her over a large gash on her side. It's not bleeding much. I pick her up her eevee following dragging her bag. I take her into my room setting her down on the couch. I go to the bathroom looking for a first aid kit.  I hear a pokeball opening and rush back. A large purple pokemon standing in the livingroom it holds its hands over the girl.

"HEY YO! WHAT THE HELL YA DOING!?" I yell. I feel a pulse in my head. "Silence heathen. I am,but healing her."
I shut my trap sitting myself on the bed shocked. "Did you just talk!? What kind of magical fuckery is this?"
"If you dont shut your loud mouth and let me concentrate-"
"EEEVEEEH!" The small pokemon crys at it.

The pokemon sighs pissed off. Eevee jumps up onto the bed with me. We watch as it heals the girl. Until its shaky sitting in the floor. "I can still kill you in my weakend state human,and your filthy bugs."

" you sure talk big." I chuckle throwing my wet jacket off. "With your reputation speaking a complete sentence is talking big."

"An your ass looking like a purple dinosaur what she call you barney."
It growls lowly. Its eyes glow purple." I am mewtwo and it calls me valak."
"Vee vee!"
Valak crosses its arms. Looking away from us. "You wanna tell me what the hell happened to ya?"

Valak ignores me I huff grabbing the blanket off the bed taking a step towards her. Valak jumps up face to face with me." Take the goddamn blanket if she doesn't have hypothermia already shes sure as hell gonna get it." I snap. "I'm taken a goddamn shower."

I walk over to the bathroom pulling my wet shirt over my head and dropping my pants stepping into the shower. I turn it on washing the filth that clung to me when I brought the girl in.  It really only takes a minute but I stand in the water letting myself think about everything. Am I really ready to take this girl under my wing after team skull. I sigh missing them maybe this will be good for me. Getting back into the grove of things at a slower pace of course.

Another runaway kid hell yeah I can handle that. How can that girl be any more trouble than the entire team skull. I step out of the shower feeling refreshed hell even a little motivated more motivated then I've felt since I broke up my team.

I grab a pair of boxers,and pants Slipping them on. I go back to the front room stretching. The girl is still asleep,but my pokemon are crowding them valak and the eevee seem to be talking to them. "Hey what the hell are ya doin?"

My pokemon seem to pout. "Get back in the balls we'll go kick someones ass in a hour or so."
They move to go back when valak stops them. He steps up to me face to face. "Human. Use fuck off."

I growl lowly. "Dont fuckin talk to me like that."
"You mean the way you speak to your pokemon. Whoops I mean your tools."

"Oh what you gonna go out protest pokemon battles."

Valak grins. "Oh no much worse. Tell me do you think bugs feel pain?"
I look at gelisopod. "I guess that's probably why they feint in battle."
"And you still feel they should he locked in a tini ball small enough to fit on your belt when they arent doing your bidding?"
"When does anyone take them out otherwise? Sides it cant be that bad."
"How about we see about that. Unless your too chicken." Valak teases.
I roll my eyes.
"Fine show me the pokemon's pains and sorrows."
"I'll start with pain split." Valak mews  creating some kind of bond between me and gelisopod. That's when I hear it.
"I can take it." A very deep voice growls lowly gelisopod looking straight at me. Valak creates a ball of energy within its palm light seems to be sucked inside. Valak winds his arm back throwing it straight into gelisods guts. While he takes the hit letting out a grunt of displeasure. I'm bent over at the middle screaming tears falling down my cheeks. Valak grabs my bag pulling a pokeball from it. "There there human. That's only half of what your friend there would have felt had I gone any harder." Its almost like another kick to the gut when I hear that. It wasn't even at full power,and yet here I am cryin like a baby.  He presses the ball to my forehead at first it doesn't react. "Looks like they added a safety feature.oh well. I'll select a memory."

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