community service

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I take a smoke break remembering my community service. "Shit!" I yell running back inside grabbing my gloves and gelisopod. I rush as fast as I can already a half an hour late. When I finally make it I see kukui talking with hala. "Guzma! Your-eevee?"

I look down at my feet a now filthy looking lou looks up at me. "Well you see-This eevee here got itself stuck. I didn't think youd mind if I helped it out."
"Vee vee!" Lou shrieks rubbing against my leg.
"Hey hey cut the mushy shit,bro." I say stepping back. "Vee." Lou pouts giving me baby doll eyes. "No."
Kukui laughs. "He likes you guz!"
"Course he does a lot of pokemon do"
They both give me a look.

"I'm gonna get to work." I huff. I walk over to the berry fields,and start by pulling weeds. Lou finds a nice spot and stretches out. Hala walks over grinning from ear to ear.

"Am I about to learn some life lesson?"

"Haha no. Our Island is going to have a special visitor. An x gym leader named blaine he's gonna be staying the summer studying alolan pokemon. Kukui is hoping to expand his study with him."

"Blaine? I've heard his name-" my eyes go wide realizing hes the one who made valak. "Oh shit! When is he gonna be here?"
"Today actually." Hala chuckles
"Today!? Isn't that like real fast."
"Hes been a retired gym leader for a few years now I think it about time he took a break from his usual research. Besides he said he has a daughter here."
I shake my head clear of worries hoping that it's just a coincidence that he's showing up.
"Well what does it have to do with me?"
"I wanted you show him over to the hotel your staying at so he can get himself a room."
I nearly shit myself. "Why cant he stay with kukui isnt he gonna be helping with with his research?"
Hala laughs. "Kukui offered of course but blaine insisted on getting his own room."

"Plus I think itll be good for you. Blaine is quite strong even without the use of a rings." Hala adds. "I think you'll benefit from him."

"Tsk. Yeah sure." I huff. Hala sighs.
"I'm not saying I wont try,hala. I just dont think things are gonna work out how you want it too. "

"All I ask is that you try guzma. Actually try." Hala says giving me that fucking judgy look.
"Yeah I hear ya."

Hala starts working giving me some space letting me cool off. I appreciate it to be honest I hate how pissy I get.
After a few hours of pulling weeds kukui shows up with who I'm assuming is blaine and his arcanine who's out walking next to him. Which is a little surprising not many trainers do that.

"Hala,guzma come over and let me introduce blaine." I sigh already dreading this,and stand up following hala over.
"Blaine this is our island kahuna hala,and my friend here is guzma." Kukui says grinning ear to ear.

I give him a kurt nod. Lou bombs into the back of my legs. I look down at him and realize with that thing in his ear he sticks out like a sore thumb. I slide my foot under him and basically kick him into the closest Bush.
"GUZMA? What the hell?" Kukui asks.
I dont answer narrowing my eyes at him.
Kukui gives me a hurt look not understanding. Hala and blaine give us a weird look. I chuckle "just fucking with him-."
"Arc-canine!" His pokemon calls out sniffing the bush. He sticks his nose in grabbing lou by the scruff. I yank lou from him slinging him over my shoulder to try and hide his ear.
His arcanine growls lowly.

"Guzma?" Kukui asks reaching for me. I take a step back. "What's your problem I ain't even mad." I huff. "Its filthy.I'm gonna go wash it off." I walk over to the well and start running water over him. "Your gonna have to head back lou." I whisper. "He'll recognize you."
Lou gives me a weird look. "He made valak that means he's team rocket he'll hurt your girl." Lou gives me a nod of understanding.
"Alrighty now head home avoid trainers ya got me?"
"Vee vee!" Lou crys running in the wrong direction. "Yo! Wrong way."
I huff. Lou gives me a embarrassed look I let gelisopod out. "Show him the way will ya?"
He nods and leads lou away. I then realize he was the only pokemon I brought with me. Hopefully itll only take a few moments it's not a long walk.

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