easy peasy

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After about two rings acerola picks up. "Hia guz." She giggles.
"Yo Areola I just need a little favor my friend here was hit with curse I was wondering if you could help me out."
"What pokemon hit her?"
"A gengar." Valak says.
"Gengar." I answer her.
"Oh my. I'll see what I can find I'll call you back later."
I sit there a moment. She doesn't know... she usually knows these things.

"What did she say?" Blaine asks crossing his arms.
"Shes looking into it. For now tho I think we outta get some moo moo milk and some kasib berries." I say standing up and stretching.

"How will you get them in her?" Blaine asks crossing his arms.
"We blend them together and let valak handle it he's the one feeding her in shit."

"I haven't been feeding her I've been using my life force to keep her alive." Valak states.
"Dude. How long did you think either of you could live doing that. Its not a permanent solution. "
"I know it's not I've just never heard of a human being affected by a ghost type. Since you know most humans are normal type."

I stop for a second "what!?"
"Well your clearly a dark type and blaine would be a fire type." Valak chuckles.
"What about the girl?" I ask.
"Psychic she has a bit of a sixth sense."
Valak says moving her lavender colored hair out of her face. "I think I could get your mixture down her without to much trouble. "
"Alright I'll get started." I say going over to the kitchen I pull moo moo milk from the fridge and the kasib berries from my bag peeling the outer skin off before throwing it into the blender. I blend the mixture together turning the milk into a mew pink.
"There we are." The pitcher lifts up and floats across the room into valaks hands.

"I love that you can do that but still cant find the remote." I huff.
Valak ignores me clamping his mouth shut and grinding his teeth together.
I look up at the old man. "Dont you have somewhere to be? If kukui comes to check on you and sees this girl the entire island will hear about it,and from what I hear we need to keep a low profile."

"Not necessarily team rocket  Isn't doing any work here so introducing her to the island through someone they all trust will make it less suspicious. Especially since she has purple hair."

"Uh, Purple hair ain't that weird this ain't the first century. If she wants when she wakes up I can dye it for her it's pretty light so It should be easy,but if she doesn't want to dont be a dick."

Valak huffs. "Will you two be quiet I cant focus."

Blaine leaves it at that giving me one last look before leaning against the wall. I clean up around the room until I get a call back from acerola. I answer it quickly. "Guzma you there?"

"Yea what's up you find something?"

"Do you know if the Gengar is nearby?'

"We haven't seen one. Why?" I ask worried.

"Because on the very rare chance of a ghost Type effecting a human it wouldn't continue to effect said person after the battles ended so the Gengar is nearby. Your gonna have to draw it out and catch it."

"But it was a trainers pokemon." I growl

"Well then your gonna have to find him and make them call him off. Because gengar could kill her.qqaqqq!^*??~¿" the pokephone cuts out and I feel a chill go up my back,and mewtwo suddenly screams dropping the mixture glass shattering at his feet  he clutches his guts and the lights go out. Only thing visible is mewtwo glowing from the inside out the shading of bones organs and veins.
His face seems to shift between Gengar and his own.
"My pokemon will burn the place down you have to battle it!" Blaine shouts.
"Valak dont let that Gengar get the upper hand!" I yell I look through my pokemon letting out golisopod. He let's out a loud battle cry. But he still seems hesitant and we dont want to hurt valak. "Something's off." Blaine states looking around the dark room. He let's out a johtan vulpix. I hear the girl cry out in pain noticing black arms reaching out of mewtwos mouth but that's not a usual gengar thing they usually stick to the shadows and sure it's dark in here but using pokemon as skins is a mimicu thing.

"Its not a Gengar!" I yell looking over to where blaine was only to be eye to eye with valak his eyes are glassed over making him look almost like a doll. "Stay out of this." He says sounding familiar.
"She deserves this for what shes done."

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