[-Chapter one-]

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"Love is like wildflowers; it's often found in the most unlikely of places"

- Ralph Waldo Emerson


"Pónos Fos Therapévo" the dirty woman hissed, "Repeat it back to me now, Alina!" she was urgent, constantly looking over her shoulder before setting her horrified green eyes back to the small girl, "Say it!" another loud boom rattled the air, thick grey dust filling the air. She let out a hoarse cough as the dust swirled violently around them.

"P-pónos Fos Thera-pévo" the young girl tried, tripping over her own tongue. She didn't know many words, she knew what they all meant, but when it came to speaking them, she could never think of how to curl her tongue in the way to pronounce it.

The older woman had tears in her eyes, pain and exhaustion plagued her face, her soul. "You never, EVER, forget those words you understand?" Alina nodded, confused and tired, she was fast asleep only moments before.

"Whenever you are hurt, when you are scared, you say those words with your soul my baby," She blinked the tears away, a mask of confidence and reassurance replacing it, "Now my child, you run, and you don't stop until you are safe, and even then you still run and you never look back, do you understand?"

Alina shook her head, dumbfounded, unsure of what was happening, but before she could question her mother, she felt cold, unforgiving wind whip around her painfully, sucking her into a void of nothingness until what seemed like a forest materialized around her. One she had never been in, 'RUN ALINA' echoed through her head painfully. She let out a whimper, but a sense of fear and dread overtook her, latched onto her soul with ease as if it were a physical person reaching into her stomach. She didn't know what to do or how to stop it, so she did what her mother told her to do and she ran.

Another boom shook the ground she ran on, it was much farther away, but she could hear horrible shrieks and roars of anger. Tears fell from the small girls eyes, she was so awfully scared, she wanted to curl up in a hollow tree stump and cry until her mother comes to save her, to play with her hair until she sleeps, but Alina had this dreadful feeling that the days of her mother whispering her sweet nothings had come to an end.

The branches cutting her bare feet, and tearing her night-gown didn't stop her, she ran and stumbled through the darkness with all her might, the air was cool and. The booming and shrieks no more, but instead replaced with distant, angry howls.

They were coming for her, not her mother... but the bad men.


It was a normal sunny day in the Baros pack. Women chatted amongst themselves, children played ball and wrestled each other to the ground, their sharp, wolf teeth already coming in. There was a slight breeze as the spring sun basked the participants, a normal unassuming afternoon. No one even noticed the panicked, and hurried Beta who sped across the pack grounds to the pack house. His face was red and contorted with fear.

"Eric!" He roared coming up the steps to the house, Isabella, the Luna looked stunned, but stepped aside for the bull of a beta, "He is in his war room" She said to the Beta who was already speeding up the stairs.

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