H e a d c a n n o n s : D

632 6 41

I just have a headcannon that Ray and Sammy are siblings but they didn't tell anyone- (Older: Ray, Younger: Sammy)

Like remember Hawk? That Green one? Yeah, another headcannon: Hawk is Sammy's and Ray's cousin. Not brother, cousin. Yk?

And since Volt, Max, Sammy and Lucy were wondering around before they found Susie (I think) in the human universe(?), they could've been in an orphanage and they ran away because of how bad they treat them.

(Add on to the orphanage hc!)

Maybe that's how they became friends? And after a while, Ray got adopted and needed to leave Sammy, since the parents only wanted one of them.

After a few years, (The og 4 met Susie and is now living with her) they were talking a walk and ran into Ray? Then, emotional moment- (Mostly Ray and Sammy tbh-)

Y e a h -

This hc is stuck in my head. I don't think it wanna leaves-

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