Chapter 3: Dreamer's Trail

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(EDIT: Added Battle Muzac >:D)

" So you want to join the Smash Bros tournament ?" Mario asked in his usual italian accent. " Yup" Dreamer said slightly popping the "p". " You do realize you will have to show your final smash for if you do not you won't get in, even if we like your fighting style. It's how we know you're worthy." Pacman said tring to sound as cheerful as possible. " Wow, you guys sure do have alot of rules here huh?" Dreamer asked nervous about this situation. She already had gotten a few strange looks on here way the the main four's office. She could not mess this for if she does she'll look stupid.

"So what's your wepon of choice?" Megaman asked mostly interested in her weponry. " It's a glaive and my other is my the Celestial Brush. "Sounds cool." Sonic said surprised at her wepons of choice. (Although he knew her before anyone at the mansion, he still has not seen Dreamer use any wepons)

"So you will be fightin-"

"Wait,wait,wait! I want the person I'm fighting to be a surprise." Dreamer inturrupted Mario excitedly but still slightly nervous.  "Okay then, in a few minutes you'll be tested to see if your worhty of joining." Mario said motioning the others to leave the room. ' I truly hope I get in' Dreamer thought to herself determined.


As everybody entered the theater room ,where regular smashes are held, Kirby was feeling excited. He really wanted to see what powers Dreamer had. " Um Kirby why are you smiling alot?" Ness the PSI user said. "Oh, I'm just excited to see this battle!" Kirby said obviously  excited. The main four walk on the dark brown floor of the stage. " Hello smashers," Mario greeted, "we have brought you here to see if this new character will be joining the roster for the Smash tournament". There were questioning murmurs throughout the crowd of nintendo characters as Mario mentioned 'new character'. It was then when Sonic had pressed a button to bring up a projector, where battles were shown. The battle was located on the Battlefeild stage(boring I know -.-) with all items off except for smash balls. Dreamer entered the stage with an interesting wepon floating on here back. It was a jade green color and where it spit up seemed to connected by a gust of wind that continued to flow through in a swirl formation. Her opponent was no other than Dark Pit who instantly got into his  fighting stance.'Another sword fighter?' thought the dark angel annoyed.





As soon as the timer went off, Dreamer ran at top speed at Dark Pit, with her sword charged and slightly lifted, noticeably ready for an attack. Dark Pit swiftly dodged Dreamer's attack and shot a dark purple arrow at her. Dreamer quickly turned around but not fast enough to dodge the arrow, taking 5% of damage. She then raised her tail and with a swift movement of her tail, drew a striaght line with color of ink matching her tail tip color. This move is called Power Slash. The brush stroke hit Dark Pit and raised his damage ratio to 10%. 'That must be her Celestial Brush'  thought Mario.

The battle was already at the 2:30 mintue mark and both were equally exhausted but were able to battle. Dark Pit used used his arm cannon to dash at her and hit her but Dreamer dodged at the last second.  She the drew a swirl with her tail that was similar to the swirl in her sword. When it was activated an gust of strong wind blew him away from her. This was Galestorm. While Dark Pit was still dazed Dreamer charged at him and him and him with a flurry of slashes from her sword causing him to flew off the stage but not enough to cause a K.O. It was at the 20 second mark when Dark Pit recovered. " Mario, the battle is almost over and there hasn't been even one smash ball yet" Megaman whispered to said plumber. As soon as he said that a smash ball appered. " Dark Pit, try to let Dreamer get the smash ball" Mario said into a comunicator that let Dark Pit here what he was saying. He nodded and flew towards it. Drreamer noticed the smash ball and knocked Dark Pit away from it. She the used Power Slash andsliced at it a couple of times before it broke. ' This is it' she thought to herself proud. " Alright, time to show you the true meaning of Devine Retrubution!" the wolf yelled as she leaped into the sky and yelled:

"FIREBURST!"  The wolf drew an infinty sign and a burst of fire appeared covering most of the screen.

"ICESTORM!" She then drew a snowflake symbol, making ice shards rain down.

" AND FINALLY  THUNDERBOLT!!!" The wolf then drew a lighting symbol and millions of thunder bolts were coming down. 

The final smashed end in the dark angel getting K.Oed.

Both Dark Pit and Dreamer then appeared back at the theater room with everyone clapping at there battle. Dreamer was looking for the main four among the crowd. When she finally found them they just nodded smiling very proudly.

She had been accepted.

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