Chapter III: Morganna Strikes! The Wrath of Leviathan!

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Chapter III: Morganna Strikes! The Wrath of Leviathan!

We find ourselves back in council chamber within Morganna's Citadel. The Cosmic Witch and her Council are all siting while looking at a projection of the ship the Straw Hats are onboard.

Scar: So the Straw Hats are sailing off towards America.

Medusa: *sarcastically* Well this will be entertaining to say the least...

Pitch Black: Yeah, as entertaining as having dental surgery.

Aizen: I still can't figure out how they defeated that monster we sent?

Orochimaru: They didn't. The data fragment we recovered confirmed that that insufferable Kamen Rider was present when the village was attacked.

Pitch Black: Well that's just perfect! We sent out our new prototype to do some mayhem, it manages to give those pirates a hard time...

Rattigan: Only for that meddlesome brat to take it down with one shot, who'd have thought it.

Ganondorf: The Rider's power is of his own accord; he has gained much strength as of late.

Medusa: And I'll bet he's the one that sprung the Straw Hats from that trap back in Dwarfen Woodlands.

Orochimaru: Those pirates will pose a huge problem if he decides to join them.

Morganna: Then it's time we did something about that.

Orochimaru: Your Radiance?

Morganna: It's just like the old saying goes; 'if you want something done it yourself.'

Rattigan: And just how to you plan to take care of this yourself?

Morganna says nothing but slowly rises from her throne. The other council members felt a tad nervous, gauging on what she might do next.

Morganna: By the only means I know how, Rattigan. To...the Chamber...

With a few raised eyebrows, the council rises from their respective thrones and follow Morganna out of the council chamber and into an elevator, leading down to the deepest part of the Citadel.

Deep within the very core of the Citadel was a massive spherical chamber, filled an ancient machinery riddled with arcane runes. In the center of the chamber was a massive black crystal that hovered several feet above the ground, giving off a foreboding purple aura. As the elevator door opens, Morganna and her council step out and take to their positions as they have been many times before. Scar, Orochimaru, and Rattigan went to a nearby console whilst Morganna, Medusa, Ganondorf, Pitch Black and Aizen walked up to an altar with a large ring-like statue standing before the crystal. Orochimaru and Rattigan began to operate with the controls as the surround machinery spurred to life, while Scar gauges the monitors.

Orochimaru: Augment system is active. Bringing stabilizer ring online.

Orochimaru presses a few buttons and moves a slider upwards, and a large ring like machine lifts up from the bottom of the chamber and hovers around the crystal.

Rattigan: Stabilizer ring is in position. Commence the ritual.

Medusa, Ganondorf, Pitch Black and Aizen begin to conjure ley lines beneath their feet, which spread out to form a large circle of power surrounding Morganna and the statue.

Morganna: I call upon the elements of wind, water, and thunder; conjure forth a storm of storms upon their ship. Bring forth waves the size of mountains! Make the winds blow and split their timber! Lighting strike and split the sea in two! I call upon the Eidolon of the sea to do my bidding! Sink that ship and send the Straw Hats and all aboard to their watery graves! Come forth, Leviathan!

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