Epilogue: A Happy Ending to An American Tail

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The answer to that question came a little while later back at Mouse Garden, where a boatload of new immigrants had just arrived. As the arrivals lined up to enter, we see the group waiting around a corner.

Nami: Are you sure this is a good idea?

Robin: Do you have any better ones?

Nami: Not at the moment.

Usopp: I still think this is crazy, as if anybody would care about one little detail like this?

Robin: Normally yes, but it if were me, I'd not want to get in trouble with law enforcement for being discovered as an unregistered citizen the next time I come back here.

Usopp: Good point.

Robin: Now remember Fievel, when you and Luffy get to the customs agent, they'll ask a few simple questions, nothing too complex.

Fievel: Com-plex?

Chopper: It's another word for hard.

Fievel: Oh.

Robin: Just do what they ask of you and then you're all done. Okay?

Fievel: Okay.

Robin: And Fievel, remember what I said about Luffy and make sure he stays out of trouble.

Fievel looks at Luffy, who was busy picking his nose out of boredom, and then back to Robin, giving her an affirming nod.

Robin: Okay. Now get going you two and be careful.

Fievel: We will.

With that Fievel takes Luffy and the two manage to blend into an incoming crowd of new arrivals heading towards Immigration. Inside the registry line, it's business as usual. The customs agent had just finished recording the names of a family of twenty-five, all from France and with names that were hard to pronounce and even harder to spell. At this point, he could only do one more registration before clocking out from his shift.

Customs Agent: Next...

The customs agent looks up to see Luffy and Fievel on the other side of the desk.

Customs Agent: Uhh...names?

Fievel: Fievel Mouskewitz.

Monkey D...I mean, Luffy D. Monkey.

Customs Agent: Luffy...D....Monkey. and Fievel...Mouskew--- wait! Did you say 'Mousekewitz'?

Fievel: Yes?

The agent flips through the registry by a few hundred pages until he finally find what he was looking for.

Customs Agent: Here it is. I had a Mouskewitz family of four pass by a few days ago. You're not related to them are you?

Fievel: I am. I'm their son!

Customs Agent: Really? So how did you get separated?

Fievel: Well you see; we got separated during a bad storm and fell overboard, but one of the lifeboats got knocked over and we managed to climb into it.

Of course, this was the story Robin came up with for Fievel to tell anyone if say asked questions.

Customs Agent: So then how did you both manage to get here if you were stranded in the sea?

Luffy: Well this giant eido-thingie came and—OW!!

Of course, Robin also told Fievel to stifle Luffy from saying anything that may land them in trouble. So Fievel stepped on Luffy's foot to prevent him from saying anything further that would... 'complicate' things.

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