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My name is y/n carter i am 5 years old i live in a foster home in new york with 4 other children the twins (brian and malcom) 13, (ahlia) 11 and (ava) 8 me being the smallest

Jack and nicole are my foster parents they are abusive they hit us for everything but generally the ones who they hit the most is ava and me because we are the younges we need help in more things and we make mistakes more often, I have been since I was 9 months old in the system since my biological parents died in a plane crash 5 years ago

Every year I have to change foster homes, generally I always had houses where they beat me and since I've been practically in the system all my life I don't know anything other than that

A/N: This is my first story, so I apologize if it is not right

158 words

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