I. New Beginnings

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Disclaimer: I do not own Genshin Impact, its characters, or its plot. The game and its entirely painful gatcha system belong to no other than Mihoyo, who has blessed us with wonderful waifus, husbandos, and cute little children but also dangles them in front of our broke-ass eyes very mockingly as they hand us books and swords. The only things I own are the creative liberties I added to the canon plot to create this fic.

Hello, I got dragged into the Genshin Impact hellhole and my brainworms refuse to move on to my other writing before I get this idea out. It's entirely self indulgent, so... yeah. Besides, the canon plot will take about as long as I will to update lol. Enjoy.


There was nothing but ashes and smoke filling your senses as you and your brother sank to the barren floor of the ruins you were in, completely exhausted. His hand held yours tightly when footsteps sounded nearby, and the both of you held your breath. Your limbs couldn't stop trembling, your magic nearly depleted from your most recent escapade... and you didn't know if you could get yourself out of this.

The ruins were surrounded, the malicious presence fraying at your nerves. Neither you nor your brother had the energy to take on so many enemies, nor did you have the energy to keep running.

"Brother... Are we... going to die?" you whispered, letting yourself be wrapped in his arms. You felt him stiffen.

"I'm not letting you die," he frowned, squeezing you tighter.

"It's better than being a lab rat," you grumbled halfheartedly. "I'm just glad that you're here."


"Brother?" you looked up when he shifted, setting you down.

"Hey, sis, you know that I love you, right?"

"I love you too, but where's this coming from?"

Your brows furrowed, grasping at his sleeves. Something was wrong about the way he was speaking, about the way he was looking at you. Your hands reached up to grab his shoulders, only to pull back, wet and stained red.

"I really, really love you," he smiled softly, like he wasn't dying, and patted your head, ignoring the panicked expression on your face and the fear in your wide eyes. "So, please forgive me, and live well."

"No, no, no! Wait—!" you cried, trying to muster any sort of magic, any spell, to heal the wound that bled down his back. You received no reply other than a yank toward his torso, and the chanting of an ancient language in your ears.

"Stop it!" you struggled against him. "I don't want to leave you!"

"Στους αρχαίους θεούς και θεές,
Στα πνεύματα των προγόνων μας,
Στα αστέρια που ακούνε και στο φεγγάρι που δεν σβήνει:
Δώστε σε αυτή την ψυχή ενώπιον σας ευλογημένη προστασία
ώστε η ζωτικότητά της να μην ξεθωριάσει ποτέ μάταια.
Επιτρέψτε την αθανασία της τύχης και της ευκαιρίας
Μέχρι το φως της χαράς να ξεπεράσει τις σκιές της λύπης.
Αφήστε τη ζωή να κρατήσει αυτή την ψυχή μέχρι να ξαναβρεί το σπίτι της
Έτσι ώστε μόνο αφού ευημερήσει πραγματικά θα δει την αγκαλιά του θανάτου."*

There was a bright flash of light, and then the rushing feeling of magic—your beloved brother's magic—seeping into your body. Your mouth opened in a wordless scream as you were lifted, your vision darkening around his final smile. Your eyes desperately tried to stay open, to see his face properly... because deep inside, you knew that the next time you woke up, he would no longer be there by your side.

Intertwined Fate (Genshin Impact! Various x F! Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora