Chapter 7: It Hurts

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I gave you love as a present, you gave me farewell

Were you this kind of person? How could you be so cruel?

You said you only loved me, was our love all a lie?

I never thought you'd do this to me

How can you be so clueless of a woman's heart?

Erin's P.O.V

I'm heavily breathing inside of a closet, clenching my phone in my hand. I'm all out of breath, because as of right now, John isn't in his best mood. Furniture has been flipped upside down, chairs are broken, and now he's aiming for me. I don't know what has him so mad. He promised me he wouldn't do any of these rash things anymore.

I'm quietly sobbing, waiting for all of the anger to expunge itself out of him. But then I hear a door burst open, hitting the wall behind the door.

He's here, I whisper to myself.

I feel his footsteps vibrating through the floor, feeling it come towards the closet.

My closet

"Come out, come out, where ever you are. You little wench!" He whispers out.

I close my eyes, hoping that this will be all over soon. I felt a tear drop running down my face, and quickly tried to get rid of it.

Please leave, I whisper out.

His footsteps stops toward the closet, but I can feel him walk away. Just as he slams the door shut...

My phone goes off, not only is the ringer on, the volume is extremely loud. I quickly try to turn it off. I should have never bought a new phone, I utter. But as soon as I turn it off, the closet doors swing open.

"Gotcha." He says, winking at me.

• • •

He kicks my body down the stairs, I tumble and tumble. It seems like an endless fall.

When I was going down the stairs, he purposely pushed me down... It wasn't ordinary stairs- it was 2 flights of stairs that I tumbled down.

Ciel's words speak out to me in my mind. And my head finally smacks against the wall. I'm barely conscious, but I can still manage.

I felt like a dog on a chain and I couldn't get off of it.

Her voice speaks out again. I'm suck in a daze that I didn't even realize John was coming towards me. He grabs my hair and drags me toward the kitchen.

"I've been looking for you, y'know?" He starts as he's still dragging me. I didn't really feel the pain, I guess it was because I already had a headache, or maybe I was getting use to this.

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