Silent Judgement

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West Berlin, 28th November 1983

The black business car pulled up outside the office building. A man got out of the car dressed in a black trench coat over a suit and wearing a beanie on their head. The man walked into the building and up three flights of stairs and into an office. The man walked over to his desk and turned on the desk lamp, he looked up and into a wall mirror to see a figure sat in a chair, shrouded by the darkness.

"Rachel doesn't mind you earning a little on the side, so long as it's not informing our enemies." a slightly refined scouse accent said from the shadows.

"Whatever is going on've got the wrong man Bryan. Besides, if Rachel was so sure I was bent she'd have sent one of our organizations double o's. Benefit of being in charge round here is that I can't recall giving anyone double o status. Your file shows no kills, double o requires 2."

"It's a new file. Old one got rubbed out long ago."

"Shame we hardly know each other." the man with the beanie said as he drew an M1911 from the drawer in his desk. Bryan however sat there in the chair with ice cool nerves as he produced a handful of bullets.

"I know where you keep your gun, that counts for something."

"My contact, how did he die?" the beanie man said.

"Not well." Bryan responded.

"Put you through it? Made you feel it, did he? You needn't worry, the second is always- *suppressed gunshot*"

"Yes, quite." Bryan said as he stood up and went to leave the room. When he opened the door the beanie man was still alive and crawled up to his feet with a spare gun in his hand from the bookshelf behind him, as he raised the gun Bryan turned on the heel of his feet and shot him in the head.

Organization HQ, Liverpool, UK

Rachel Holmes was typing the report awarding Bryan his new license to kill.

Blue - code named: John Bryan- status confirmed- License to kill granted.

As she finished her report her mother walked into the office.

"What's this about you granting Blue a license to kill, you know he's not ready. It's too early to promote him." the CEO said as she hung her coat up on a hanger.

"Mother let me handle my agents how I see fit, besides it's confirmed now." Rachel said as she clicked enter on the keyboard.

"You're too close to that man."

"No you just feel threatened by him. I trust him more than most of my agents." Rachel admitted as Blue knocked on the door.

"You wanted to see me ma'am?" Blue said as he entered the office.

"Yes, please sit down Blue." Rachel said gesturing to a seat and turning on a screen. "What do you know of a man named Augustine Laurent?"

"Not much, only that he's some sort of money launderer for the world's terror organisations along with banking for them, likes to play poker and roulette I believe." Blue said as a medical officer walked in and placed a briefcase on the desk in front of Blue.

"Arm out please." the doctor ordered. Blue held his arm out and the doctor injected Blue with something.

"And what is that?" Blue asked as he wiped the small speck of blood that emerged from his wrist.

"Tracking chip, we need to keep you where we can see you and for emergencies." the doctor said as he packed up the equipment and left.

"He's setting up a Poker night at the hotel splendide in Montenegro, we've booked you a place at the table and a reservation at the hotel, the british treasury has decided to stake you, 15 million buy in 10 million re-buy. It appears someone in MI6 holds you in high regards. your mission is to ensure that Augustine doesn't win...Blue, one more thing, be careful with this man he's dangerous. Your mission file including your cover will be given to you in montenegro." Rachel explained as Blue stood up and left. As he walked down the corridor he was handed a train ticket for a first class overnight train in Montenegro.

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