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The Doctor, Clara and Willow are sat in a cafe on a rooftop terrace with a lovely view London, which Willow could see clearly from her spot between The Doctor and Clara, facing outwards. 

"So, if we can travel anywhere in time and space, why did we travel to the morning. What's the point in that?" Clara's stirring her milkshake and the table is crowded by used cups of tea and plates. Willow's nibbling on a cookie, texting someone on her mobile.

"Whoever's after us spent the whole night looking for us. Are you tired?" The Doctor asks, typing away on Clara's laptop yet again.


"What?" The Doctor looks up "Then imagine how they feel. They came the long way round. They've got to be close," 

The Doctor puts the laptop on the coffee table, typing again, squinting his eyes so he can see the screen (Why he wasn't wearing his reading glasses was beyond Willow) "Definitely London going by the signal distribution. I can hack the lowest level of their operating system but I can't establish a physical location. The security's too good,"

"Are you an alien?" Clara asks quickly

"I am. Yes, okay with that?" The Doctor leans back, feeling slightly cheery. Willow puts her phone in her coat pocket and continues with her cookie.

"Oh, yeah. Think I'm fine,"

"Oh, good," The Doctor grins

"So, what happens if you do find them? What happens then?"

"I don't know. I can't tell the future, I just work there," The Doctor sighs, still having no luck with his hacking attempts.

"You don't have a plan?"

"Oh, you know what he always says about plans," Willow grins, grabbing her lemonade, the cookie long gone, she takes a sip through the bright blue plastic straw.


"He doesn't have one," Willow laughs

"People always have plans,"

"Yeah, yeah I guess so," Willow thinks "So, what was your plan? How long have you been looking after those kids?"

"About a year, since their mum died,"

"Okay. Why you? Family friend, I get that, but there must have been others. Why did it have to be you? You don't really seem like a nanny," The Doctor shuts the laptop, re-crossing his legs as he and his wife integrate the poor woman. Clara pushes her milkshake away, grabbing the laptop.


The Doctor grabs it back "Sorry," he laughs a bit "What?"

"You need to know where they physically are. Their exact location,"


"I can do it," Clara takes the laptop back, holding it away from The Doctor

"Oi, hang on. I need that!" The Doctor points and Willow can't help but laugh at the two, staying quiet and sipping her drink.

"You've hacked the lower operating system, yeah? I'll have their physical location in under five minutes. Pop off and get us a coffee," As Clara lowers the laptop, The Doctor grabs in, but Clara doesn't let go.

"If me or Willow can't find them, you definitely can't!"

"They uploaded me, remember? I've got computing stuff in my head," She tugs it back

"So do I," and back to The Doctor

"I have insane hacking skills,"

"I'm from space and the future with two hearts and twenty-seven brains!"

IN LOVING MEMORY | {4th - Stars Themselves Series}Where stories live. Discover now