The Sinclairs are back!

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Back with the Weaselings...

They made it to a certain house.

Arabella- Here we are

Malikai: Interesting.

Arabella- Read the mailbox

Ludel looked at it*

The Sinclairs

They gasped*

Tigs: They're here?!

Arbaella- Well duh !

Snowdrop jumps excitedly*

They look and see Earl

Jason: Earl! Your alive!

Earl- Oh hello weasels from the future who I thought were pets---( Realizes) What?! Weaselings!

Jason: Surprise?

Earl- Its you !

Earl hugs Jason tight

Jason hugs him back*

Earl- I didnt know you live around here !

Ludel: We live at the castle.

Fran- Earl who's outs--( Sees the Weaselings )

Tina: Fran!

Fran- Weaselings !

Axelle: It's good to see you!

Fran- And you as well !

Pentol: Where are the kids?

Fran- They're in the house eating of course

Snowdrop went inside*

Robbie is feeding baby.

Robbie- Open up.

Baby- Dont like it.

Snowdrop sees him: Beh beh!

Baby- Ooh ! Snowdrop pony !

Snowdrop hugs him*

Baby giggles and hugs her

Charlene- A baby ?! Snowdrop ! That means Zanobia is here !

Zanobia came inside*

Charlene- Zanobia !

Zanobia: Charlene!

Charlene- Eeee !

Zanobia hugs her: Your okay!

Charlene- You too !

Malikai: How is this possible?

Robbie- Michael brought us all back

Ludel: No way!

Charlene-( Giggles ) Yes way !

Tigs: We missed you guys!

Earl- We really missed you guys too

Pentol: I can't believe you guys live in Dark town now!

Earl- We know !

Morty: Hey, we have more dinosaur friends who live here, they would love to meet you guys.

Earl- Really ? I would love to meet thrm ! 

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